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Piggeldy and Frederick Rain


1)  Which expression means that it is raining a lot?

  • It's raining cats and dogs.
  • It's raining pigs and sheep.
  • It's raining dogs and cats.
  • It's raining kittens and puppies.

2)  When Piggeldy asks his big brother "What is rain?", what does Frederick reply?

  • "That's a hard question!"
  • "That's easy, of course."
  • "I'm really not sure."
  • "That's difficult to explain."

3)  How does Piggledy avoid saying the words "tinkle" and "pee"?

  • He sings them instead.
  • He says different words instead.
  • He forgets them instantly.
  • He stays quiet all the way home.

4)  When it started to rain, what color was the sky?

  • orange
  • blue
  • pink
  • gray