How to type Chinese using Pinyin

Select your operating system for a guide on how to enable Chinese text input.

How to type Chinese on iOS - iPhone and iPad

Open the Settings Application, Select General Settings Select Keyboard Keyboards Select Keyboards Keyboards Select Add New Keyboard Add Keyboard Select Chinese Simplified Pinyin Chinese Simplified Pinyin

Typing Chinese using Pinyin

Tap or tap and hold the globe icon on the keyboard to switch between English and Chinese. iOS switch languages Type in Pinyin, and select the Correct Chinese characters. iOS type in chinese

Additional Tips

Another fun input method uses handwriting recognition. Be aware that it primarily works by stroke-order and stroke direction. If you draw a character that is visually very close to the character you want, but don't use the correct stroke-order, it may not understand.

To install it, follow the steps above but add the Chinese Simplified - Handwriting keyboard. iOS type in chinese