United Kingdom
John Tullo (Beej) from Drumroots and Tanante giving an interview about our most recent Drumroots Live event ran as a fund raiser to for all proceeds to be handed onto Médecins Sans Frontières MSF (Doctors Without Borders) for their essential and on-going work in East Africa.
United Kingdom
In the war zones of Liberia and Congo, four volunteers with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) struggle to provide emergency medical care under extreme conditions. With different levels of experience, each volunteer must find their own way to face the challenges, the tough choices, and the limits of their idealism.
This animated video shows how tuberculosis, still a very common disease, spreads and is fought by our bodies. Find out more about MSF’s work treating tuberculosis around the world.
United Kingdom
How do you transport life-saving medicines that need to be kept cold to remote communities, even across deserts or through dense jungles? Find out more about the cold chain process.
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