"The Big Bang Theory" is a highly popular American sitcom that has lasted over ten seasons. The show is set in Pasadena, California and centers on the daily lives of three nerdy physicists, Leonard, Sheldon, and Raj, with their engineer friend, Howard, and Penny, a waitress and aspiring actress who has the social skills and common sense lacking in the other four.
Difficulty: Beginner
Leonard daydreams about saving Penny and her falling for him.
Difficulty: Beginner
While Sheldon struggles with his take-out order, Leonard bids on what he thinks is a miniature time machine.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The boys decide to go to Long Beach in order to keep lying to Penny.
Difficulty: Beginner
Penny tries to patch things up between Leonard and Sheldon when they are having a fight, but ends up making things worse!
Difficulty: Intermediate
When Penny dislocates her shoulder, Sheldon brings her home from the hospital and tucks her into bed.
Difficulty: Beginner
Howard takes a moment in the tub to fantasize that Katee Sackhoff from Battlestar Galactica is in the tub with him. As it turns out, she has some advice for him.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Leonard finally tells Penny how Sheldon saved his life and broke the elevator at the same time.
Difficulty: Intermediate
When Penny returns from visiting her family in Nebraska, Leonard is happy to see her. Sheldon, however, is much less welcoming when he learns that her family has the flu.
Difficulty: Beginner
Penny invents a quiz to find out whether Sheldon or Leonard is smarter, which only reveals that both of them are completely uninformed about popular culture with the exception of Star Trek.
Difficulty: Newbie
In this short scene, a deeply star-struck Sheldon meets one of his heroes, the great actor James Earl Jones, whom Sheldon knows as the voice of Darth Vader in the Star Wars movies.
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