Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom, USA
The "metaverse" is the latest buzzword in technology and business. But do you know what it means?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom
What would happen to you if a black hole the size of a coin suddenly appeared in your pocket? Let's find out!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche questioned the ability of science to explain and give meaning to our world, daring us to think critically not only about religion, but science, and knowledge itself. Learn all about his ideas in this fun video inspired by vintage video games.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom
Schrodinger’s hypothetical experiment involved putting an unfortunate cat into a box with a Geiger counter and a vial of deadly poison. Until the box was opened, the cat could be said to be alive, or dead… or possibly in both of these states simultaneously.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom
If a hotel with an infinite number of rooms has an infinite number of guests, how could it free up space when new guests arrive? Hilbert's “Grand Hotel” paradox has fascinated mathematicians, physicists, philosophers, and theologians, as it encourages another way of thinking about the notion of infinity.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom
On the most fundamental level thinkable, what are things? Why are things? And why do things behave the way they do? Here is an introduction to particle physics, with all of the vocabulary you'll need.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom
There is a lot of talk about how 3D printing could revolutionize the way that we make stuff. But what is 3D printing and how does 3D printing allow us to make almost anything from nothing? Professor Tim Minshall, Head of the Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge, explains it in this video, which is targeted at school-age students.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom
By following honeyguides, a species of bird, people in Africa are able to locate bees’ nests to harvest honey. Research now reveals that humans use special calls to solicit the help of honeyguides and that honeyguides actively recruit appropriate human partners. This relationship is a rare example of cooperation between humans and free-living animals.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mayim shares her doubts and misgivings about open relationships. It seems that for her, the commitment, predictability, and closeness of a monogamous relationship is all together more meaningful and enjoyable.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Actress, author, and neuroscientist Mayim Bialik considers open relationships. While she sees the benefits, there are certainly things she doesn’t “get” about this kind of arrangement, as she sees male and female biology clearly dictating different ideals.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
In this segment, we learn about the role weather plays in the creation of rock formations in the national parks of the United States.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
United Kingdom
Fuse School: Learn the basics about the effects of global warming on the environment. Some of the problems global warming may cause are changing climate, extremes of weather, problems for ecosystems, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification.
Difficulty: Intermediate
We’ve all seen footage of the first men walking on the moon... but how exactly did they get there? This video details the fascinating, many-faceted construction of the Apollo 11 spacecraft so that we can see exactly what happened in what order to make this incredible journey a reality.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Michael Jordan’s legendary slam dunk from the free throw line has been calculated at 0.92 seconds of pure hang time. But how many seconds could Jordan have gotten if he did the same jump on Mars? Or Jupiter?
Difficulty: Intermediate
After a seven-month journey, NASA’s Perseverance Rover successfully touched down on Mars on February 18, 2021. In this video, mission controllers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California celebrate landing NASA's fifth rover on Mars.
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