In grammatica e in linguistica, il sostantivo è la parte di un discorso che indica una singola persona, un singolo animale o una singola cosa, o una classe di persone, animali o cose. La formazione del plurale di un sostantivo è diversa in ogni lingua.
In inglese la maggior parte dei sostantivi forma il plurale aggiungendo una -s alla fine della parola:
pen: pens (penne)
spoon: spoons (cucchiai)
table: tables (tavoli)
letter: letters (lettere)
window: windows (finestre)
I sostantivi che terminano in tch, ch, s (o ss), o x formano il plurale aggiungendo il suffisso –es:
tax: taxes (tasse)
match: matches (partite)
bus: buses (autobus)
business: businesses (imprese)
sandwich: sandwiches (panini)
Alcuni sostantivi che terminano con f formano il plurale perdendo la f e aggiungendo il suffisso -ves:
shelf: shelves (scaffali)
knife: knives (coltelli)
self: selves (stessi - sé stessi)
thief: thieves (ladri)
I have one scarf around my neck and two scarves in my hands.
Ho una sciarpa attorno al mio collo e due sciarpe nelle mie mani.
Caption 20, The Alphabet - the Letter F
Play Caption
Alcuni sostantivi che terminano con una consonante seguita da y formano il plurale perdendo la y e aggiungendo –ies:
baby: babies (bebè, bambini piccoli)
university: universities (università)
sky: skies (cieli)
Bear cubs love to snuggle just like human babies.
I cuccioli di orso adorano coccolarsi proprio come i bambini piccoli
Caption 37, Nature & Wildlife - Search for the Ghost Bear - Part 2
Play Caption
And we will transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.
E trasformeremo le nostre scuole, i [nostri] licei e università per andare incontro alle richieste di una nuova era.
Captions 37-38, Barack Obama's Inauguration Day - Obama's Speech - Part 2
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Ma quando la y è preceduta da un’altra vocale, allora il plurale si forma aggiungendo la –s:
boy: boys (ragazzi)
monkey: monkeys (scimmie)
I sostantivi che terminano in “o” sono irregolari. Alcuni prendono la -s, altri il suffisso -es.
photo: photos (foto)
hero: heroes (eroi)
How can Zero be a hero?
Come può Zero essere un eroe?
Well, there are all kinds of heroes you know.
Be', ci sono molti tipi di eroi, sai.
Captions 4-5, Schoolhouse Rock - My Hero, Zero
Play Caption
In alcuni casi entrambe le desinenze possono andar bene:
fresco: frescos, frescoes (affreschi)
zero: zeros, zeroes (zeri)
Ci sono altri modi per fare il plurale di un sostantivo, ma li vedremo nella prossima lezione.
Sei in grado di formare il plurale delle seguenti parole?
a key (una chiave) - two ________
a hobby (un hobby) - two_________
a wolf (un lupo) - two_________
a cable (un cavo) - two___________
a cup (una tazza) - two __________
a batch (una partita) - two________
P.S. Already know some English? English lessons in English may be found here.
A noun is a word for a person, place, or thing that can be the subject of a verb. One of the first things you learn in a new language are nouns. Different languages have different ways to make a singular noun plural.
In English, the most common way to make a noun plural is to add the letter s:
pen: pens
spoon: spoons
table: tables
letter: letters
window: windows
Nouns ending in tch, s (or ss), or x are often made plural with the letters es:
tax: taxes
match: matches
bus: buses
business: businesses
Some nouns ending in f replace the f with v, ending in ves:
shelf: shelves
knife: knives
self: selves
thief: thieves
Some nouns have irregular plurals:
man: men
woman: women
child: children
foot: feet
ox: oxen
Some nouns ending in y drop the y and are made plural with ies:
university: universities
baby: babies
But if the y has another vowel before it, then usually the plural is made by adding s:
boy: boys
monkey: monkeys
Nouns ending in o are irregular. Some end with s, some with es, and some work with both:
hero: heros or heroes
volcano: volcanos or volcanoes
Some nouns have the same singular and plural forms, and most of these are animals: moose, deer, fish, swine
Further Learning
This example from Yabla English has 5 different plural nouns, including two that are irregular:
We have brought a set of consulting tools
that include analyses, evaluation criteria,
business processes and governance recommendations.
Captions 9-11, Planview and Kalypso - Partner to Drive Innovation
Play Caption
Try to correctly change the four nouns to their singular form and check your work to see if you converted the two irregular nouns correctly.
For even more plurals, watch the Yabla English video English with Lauren and Matt - Parts of the Human Body.