Difficulty: Intermediate
United Kingdom
"Elephants Dream" is a short animated film, created by the Orange Movie Project in Amsterdam using almost entirely open-source software. Whether a dream, or hallucination, or reality – Emo is not sure what he thinks of the machine, which Proog practically worships, until he makes a serious mistake...
Difficulty: Intermediate
You're an anarchist and you don't want to get a job in the capitalist system, but if you don't, your girlfriend will throw you out. What would Noam Chomsky do? Find out (or maybe not) in this funny video clip!
Difficulty: Beginner
The Fleischer & Famous Superman cartoons are a series of seventeen animated Technicolor short films released by Paramount Pictures and based upon the comic book character Superman.
This is "The Mad Scientist," which was released on September 26, 1941. Enjoy!
Difficulty: Intermediate
United Kingdom
After his return from Afghanistan, Dr. Watson meets Sherlock Holmes and is recruited as his assistant. Together they investigate a murder, with a young lady as the prime suspect. Holmes finds the real murderer and learns his motive.
Difficulty: Beginner
United Kingdom
This is the official video for 'Strong' taken from London Grammar's debut album 'If You Wait' out now on Metal & Dust Recordings.
Directed by Sam Brown.
Difficulty: Beginner
Enjoy this episode from The Three Stooges, a long-running American slap-stick comedy act that appeared on vaudeville, television and the silver screen. Along with baseball and apple pie, it's a small slice of Americana!
Difficulty: Beginner
United Kingdom
Ever wondered why most Americans don't like tea? Have they ever even tasted a cup of tea properly prepared? Simon Jones is convinced that they haven't and gives a nice detailed description, taken from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," of how to make a proper cup of tea. Enjoy!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Noam Chomsky, one of the great philosophers and political commentators of our time, explains how stupid people may be the ones who determine the future of mankind — or the lack thereof...
Difficulty: Beginner
Let's say you are an attractive, successful young woman on the younger side of the prime of her life. Your choice: George Clooney or a cup of Nespresso. Guess who wins?
Difficulty: Intermediate
American rock musician and songwriter Bruce Springsteen, also known as "The Boss", released this song "Born in the USA" in 1984 on the album by the same name. Although a huge success, the song was often misunderstood as a simple patriotic anthem rather than a lament for the embattled working class identity.
Difficulty: Beginner
How football arrived in Australia and the state of the game heading into the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™.
Difficulty: Beginner
New Zealand
The guys from Flight of the Conchords tell us about the different ways that their girlfriends have left them, and their ex-girlfriends respond to their laments with their own complaints.
Difficulty: Beginner
Bob Marley's universal appeal, impact on music history and role as a social and political prophet is both unique and unparalleled. This film documents the definitive life story of the musician, revolutionary, and legend, from his early days to his rise to international super-stardom.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Did you know that the T-Rex dinosaur is closer to us in time than to its distant ancestor, the Stegosaurus? Watch this amazing video for the fastest history of the universe ever told!
This video has been a collaboration of KURZGESAGT & WAITBUTWHY!
Difficulty: Beginner
United Kingdom
Ellie Goulding's video for "Your Song" as featured in John Lewis' Christmas TV advert.
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