Today we're going to focus on a BBC news report from last year about water shortages in the Western United States, but the topic applies to many places in the world.
The Western United States is now entering one of the worst droughts ever seen.
Captions 24-25, BBC News: California ‘crippling drought’ leads to strict water restrictions
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A drought (rhymes with "doubt") is a prolonged period of dryness that is usually caused by a shortage of rainfall or snowfall.
Then, in a place like the West, we get wildfires.
Caption 29, BBC News: California ‘crippling drought’ leads to strict water restrictions
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A wildfire is a large and sweeping fire in a wilderness or rural area. When a wildfire happens in a forest, it's called a "forest fire." The Canadian wildfires that filled many US cities with smoke starting in March 2023 are also a result of drought. The smoke from the fires made many cities issue warnings to residents to keep their windows closed and not go outside.
But thousands of acres are now lying idle, because they're unable to irrigate.
Captions 35-36, BBC News: California ‘crippling drought’ leads to strict water restrictions
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An acre is a unit of measurement, used primarily in the USA and the UK, that is around 4,000 square meters. The verb "irrigate" means to supply land and crops with water by artificial means, such as pumps and diverting river flows. The noun equivalent is "irrigation."
We're looking at food shortages in the United States.
Captions 44-45, BBC News: California ‘crippling drought’ leads to strict water restrictions
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Because of the lack of water for farms, there's a possibility that some kinds of food made with ingredients grown in the USA may be in short supply.
The government has urged Californians to conserve water.
Caption 46, BBC News California: ‘crippling drought’ leads to strict water restrictions
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The verb "to conserve" means to avoid the wasteful use of something. Water conservation measures are essential during times of drought. According to the BBC, the first three months of 2022 were the driest on record in the Western United States, but during this period, water usage actually increased!
So you see how a shortage of precipitation (rainfall and snowfall) has a domino effect: it hurts farming, causes wildfires and forest fires, and has a major impact on health and the economy. The city of Phoenix, Arizona has even suspended previously approved house-building projects due to the projected lack of water for them. Cities like Las Vegas, Nevada have even banned lawns as "nonfunctional," since maintaining them requires so much water. Phoenix has not yet implemented such drastic measures. Similar programs are taking place all over the Western United States.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the video above in its entirety. You can also watch the Sigrid "Slow News" video in New Videos above. Then you may do a search for other videos using some of the keywords above. What can you and your family do to conserve water?
La stagione estiva è per eccellenza la stagione delle vacanze e dei viaggi. Al mare, in montagna, nelle grandi città. Viaggi rilassanti, viaggi avventurosi, partenze lunghe o brevi. Con gli amici, con la famiglia, con i propri partner o da soli. E se abbiamo voglia di fare nuove amicizie in posti altrettanto nuovi, basta fare un piccolo brush up di inglese prima di partire . E a proposito di inglese, quante parole conoscete per parlare dei viaggi? In questa lezione, esploreremo i sostantivi travel, journey e trip.
Il sostantivo travel è una parola generica che sta ad indicare l'attività stessa del viaggio.
People spend far more on foreign travel than they did 50 years ago.
La gente spende molto di più per i viaggi all'estero rispetto a 50 anni fa.
Nell'esempio successivo, la parola travel è stata tradotta in italiano con il verbo "viaggiare". Effettivamente, travel è usato maggiormente come verbo, ma se provate a sostituire "viaggiare" con "il viaggio", il significato rimane invariato.
So, as travel became more affordable, many southern Italians embarked on the perilous voyage by ship to the United States to find work.
Quindi, poiché viaggiare diventò più accessibile, molti italiani del sud si imbarcarono nel pericoloso viaggio in nave verso gli Stati Uniti per trovare lavoro.
Captions 27-29, Spotlight Why Columbus Day? - Part 1
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La parola voyage deriva dal francese e per gli italiani non è difficile comprenderne il significato. Con voyage ci riferiamo ad un viaggio molto lungo, come quello che si fa quando si attraversa un oceano, o quello che intraprende una navicella spaziale o un sottomarino. Tendenzialmente, questa parola viene usata meno nel quotidiano e ad essa sono associati altri sostantivi quali travel, journey, movement, course, errand, mission, crusade.
Il sostantivo journey è sicuramente un sinonimo di travel. Si riferisce ad un extended travel (viaggio più lungo), ma è usato anche per parlare della distanza che si percorre quando si viaggia da un posto all'altro.
I have a fourteen hundred kilometer journey. It's the longest journey I've ever done with rhino!
Ho un viaggio di millequattrocento chilometri. È il viaggio più lungo che abbia mai fatto con i rinoceronti!
Captions 23-24, WWF: Making a Difference Rhino Conservation
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In senso figurato, journey è usato per parlare di viaggi che non hanno a che fare con mezzi di trasporto, partenze e arrivi e luoghi lontani. In certi casi, si riferisce a esperienze di vita o semplici esperienze emozionanti e divertenti.
This spectacular show takes you on an electrifying journey through Michael Jackson's musical legacy.
Questo show spettacolare vi porta in un viaggio elettrizzante attraverso l'eredità musicale di Michael Jackson.
Captions 25-26, Visit London Top 10 London Musicals
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Il sostantivo trip si riferisce ad un viaggio di breve durata:
She met plenty of interesting people during her weekend trip to Montreal.
Ha conosciuto un sacco di persone interessanti durante il viaggio nel fine settimana a Montreal.
In italiano, trip può essere tradotto anche con gita. Nel video A Weekend in Amsterdam - Planning the Trip, una ragazza sta organizzando un fine settimana ad Amsterdam per il suo compleanno: She's planning a trip (sta organizzando una gita).
Trattandosi quindi di un viaggio breve, la parola trip è usata in espressioni come business trip (viaggio d'affari, viaggio di lavoro), boating trip (gita in barca) e ancora, road trip (viaggio su strada), school trip (gita scolastica), day trip (gita/escursione in giornata).
Provate ad immaginare il vostro prossimo viaggio e decidete where to go (dove andare), how to get there (come arrivarci) e what to do when you arrive (e cosa fare appena arrivati). Have a good trip!
Una cosa che può risultare difficile quando si impara una nuova lingua è l'uso delle preposizioni. Quando parli la tua lingua madre, raramente usi una preposizione sbagliata all'interno di una frase e se provi a tradurre letteralmente, per esempio dall'italiano all'inglese, una frase come "andiamo al mare", magari usi at (molto simile ad "a"), al posto di to: Let's go to the beach. Let's go at the beach.
Le preposizioni di moto indicano uno spostamento da o verso qualcosa. Seguono sempre dei verbi di movimento, per esempio to go (andare), to get (arrivare), to return (ritornare), to drive (andare con l'auto).
La preposizione to è usata per indicare moto a luogo e ha più di un significato: "a", "in", "verso", "nella direzione di"...
People use bike share to commute to work or school, run errands, get to appointments...
La gente usa la bici condivisa per recarsi al lavoro o a scuola, per sbrigare commissioni, per andare ad appuntamenti...
Captions 37-38, Slow News with Sigrid Bike Share in NYC
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La preposizione to non viene mai usata con la parola home (casa):
Let's go home.
Andiamo a casa. (la casa di chi parla)
Ma attenzione...
I'll just have time to walk Victor down to Andrew's house.
Ho giusto il tempo di accompagnare Victor a casa di Andrew.
Caption 15, Between Two Women The Movie - Part 4
Play Caption
Ricorda queste espressioni con la preposizione to:
to go to work / to school / to the hospital (andare al lavoro / a scuola / in ospedale)
to go to prison / jail (andare in prigione)
to go to bed (andare a letto)
welcome to... (benvenuto a)
a journey /trip to... (un viaggio a...)
Have you ever been to...? (Sei mai stato a...?)
La preposizione into indica sposamento verso l'interno di un luogo chiuso. Il suo significato è "in", "dentro".
[...] moving into a new apartment
[...] trasferirmi in un appartamento nuovo
Caption 15, Abiventures Happy New Year
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They went into the shop.
Entrarono nel negozio.
La preposizione into è usata anche con i verbi translate (tradurre), change (cambiare) e turn (diventare) che implicano la trasformazione di qualcosa:
I translated this book from English into Italian.
Ho tradotto questo libro dall'inglese all'italiano.
Everything I do turns into a disaster.
Ogni cosa che faccio si trasforma in un disastro.
Caption 4, A Charlie Brown Christmas True Meaning
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La preposizione from significa "da" e indica provenienza, moto da luogo e origine.
Hey, I'm Jenny from England.
Ciao, io sono Jenny dall'Inghilterra.
Caption 1, Accents One language, three accents
Play Caption
I got a letter from my Australian pen frien.
Ho ricevuto una lettera dal mio corrispondente australiano.
Away from (via da) indica allontamento:
[...] Here, the North American plate is moving away from the Eurasian plate
[...] Qui, la placca del Nord America si allontana dalla placca dell'Eurasia
Caption 51, The Last Paradises America's National Parks - Part 2
Play Caption
Osserva l'uso di alcune preposizioni per indicare le azioni di scendere e salire riferite ai mezzi di trasporto:
to get into a car / a taxi / a van (saline su un'automobile / un taxi / un furgone)
to get out of a car/ a taxi / a van (scendere da un'automobile/ un taxi / un furgone)
to get on a train / a bus / a boat / a plane (salire un treno / un autobus / una nave / un aereo)
to get off a train / a bus / a boat / a plane (scendere da un treno / un autobus / una nave / un aereo)
to get on a bicycle / a motorbike (salire su una bicicletta, una moto)
to get off a bicycle / a motorbike (scendere da una bicicletta, una moto)
Il cibo, da sempre elemento culturale, è ormai diventato non solo un piacere per il palato, ma anche per gli occhi. Così, prima di godersi un piatto, in tanti si fermano per fotografarlo e condividerlo poi sui social. Infatti, il cibo è diventato social e oggi, nel mondo, ci sono tantissimi siti web, blog e app dedicati al mondo culinario. Ce n'è davvero per tutti i gusti: ricette tradizionali e piatti stellati, pietanze esotiche e piatti vegani.
E non dimentichiamo i cooking show televisivi, ovvero tutti quei programmi in cui il cibo è protagonista e che hanno appassionato i telespettatori di tutto il mondo.
Cucinare (cooking) è un'azione quotidiana nella quale è racchiusa tutta una serie di termini indispensabili utilizzati nelle cucine professionali e in quelle casalinghe.
Pertanto, abbiamo estratto dalla videoteca di Yabla inglese alcuni vocaboli utilizzati in cucina, per la preparazione dei nostri piatti.
Then we have the cutting board and the knife.
Poi abbiamo il tagliere e il coltello.
Captions 22-23, Luana explains Cooking utensils - Part 1
Play Caption
We also have a pot, which is usually used to make more liquid foods
Abbiamo anche una pentola, che di solito viene usata per preparare cibi più liquidi
Captions 38-39, Luana explains Cooking utensils - Part 1
Play Caption
So, here, I've just put the potatoes in the colander, that is, to drain the water out, and I'm leaving them to cool.
Quindi, qui, ho semplicemente messo le patate nel colino, che serve a scolare l'acqua e le lascio raffreddare.
Captions 36-38, Michele from Down Under Crispy and Spicy Roast Potatoes
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You use a potato peeler to peel the potatoes.
Usate un pelapatate per pelare le patate.
Caption 5, Michele from Down Under Crispy and Spicy Roast Potatoes
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We can cook beans in different ways. I'm going to boil my beans tonight, but I could steam them, or I could even just saute them in olive oil.
Possiamo cucinare i fagioli in diversi modi. Farò bollire i miei fagioli stasera, ma potrei farli al vapore, o potrei perfino saltarli nell'olio d'oliva.
Captions 15-17, Food Talk with Sigrid Simple Summer Vegetables - Part 1
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I can bake chocolate chip cookies
So preparare i biscotti con le gocce di cioccolato
Caption 54, Side by Side - Beginners Expressing abilities
Play Caption
Nota bene: to bake si utilizza specialmente per tutte quelle pietanze che vanno cotte in forno.
And in the meantime, I'll chop up some garlic.
E nel frattempo, tagliuzzo un po' di aglio.
Caption 50, Pro Home Cooks 15 Minute Dinners - Part 1
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Stir everything together, and then we'll lower the heat,
Mescoliamo tutto insieme e poi abbassiamo il fuoco,
Caption 23, Rainbow Plant Life Best dish for a vegan skeptic - Part 2
Play Caption
e successivamente...
Cover the pan, and let the lentils simmer for twenty to twenty-five minutes
Copriamo la padella e lasciamo cuocere le lenticchie rosse a fuoco lento per venti o venticinque minuti
Caption 24, Rainbow Plant Life Best dish for a vegan skeptic - Part 2
Play Caption
Nella sezione "cibo" della videoteca di Yabla Inglese troverete più di 60 video dedicati al mondo della cucina: piatti da preparare in soli 15 minuti, ricette vegane, dolci, abitduini alimentari e tanto altro! Date anche un'occhiata ad alcuni vocaboli comunemente usati in cucina e nei ristoranti.
potholders: presine
a bowl: una ciotola
leftovers: avanzi
to season: condire
dough: impasto
The term "climate change" is generally used to describe how mankind's activities are affecting our climate today in ways that have a serious impact on our environment, our economy, and our lives.
In order to understand human-induced climate change, or global warming,
we need to understand something about burning fossil fuels.
Captions 7-8, Chemistry for All | FuseSchool - How Burning Fossil Fuels Leads to Climate Change
Play Caption
Wikipedia describes fossil fuel as a material "such as coal, oil, and natural gas, formed naturally in the Earth's crust from the remains of dead plants and animals, that is extracted and burned as a fuel." The air pollution caused by fossil fuels causes global warming. Global warming, in turn, is the largely human-caused increase of our planet's temperatures over the last decades. If global warming continues....
... the glaciers will melt
and the level of the seas will rise unpredictably.
Captions 48-49, Once upon a Time... Planet Earth - The Guardians of the Planet
Play Caption
As a result...
Countless deltas in coastal regions will be flooded.
Caption 50, Once upon a Time... Planet Earth - The Guardians of the Planet
Play Caption
In addition to these problems...
So there are more floods, droughts, and storms.
Caption 66, Chemistry for All | FuseSchool - How Burning Fossil Fuels Leads to Climate Change
Play Caption
A drought is the opposite of a flood: instead of too much water, there isn't enough. Without enough water, farmers are unable to grow the kinds of food that they used to in the past. Property, crops, and even human lives are lost as a direct result of storms, floods, and droughts caused by global warming.
The single most effective and significant action
that can be taken in the short term to stabilize global warming
is to stop tropical rainforest destruction.
Captions 6-8, The Prince's Rainforests Project - Prince of Wales' Introduction
Play Caption
King (formerly Prince) Charles of Great Britain is probably correct in his statement that stopping the destruction of rainforests would help slow climate change. However, it's only going to change if wealthy people like King Charles and large profit-driven corporations are made to take financial and moral responsibility for the destruction they are causing.
But they won't make the necessary changes
because they have put their astronomical profits before people.
Captions 8-9, Breaking News - Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen
Play Caption
The article above is referring to Facebook, but it's just as valid for companies that continue to make record profits from fossil fuels. Let's hope that the wealthiest people and companies are someday able to recognize that the planet they are polluting is the same planet where they, their families, and their descendants are supposed to be living. But in order to do that, they'll have to put humanity's long-term survival before their own profit margins.
Let's each of us continue to do our small part in reducing our consumption of products that directly lead to global warming!
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the videos above. You can also search for some of the highlighted words to find more English videos related to climate change.
In Part III of "Nationalities," we are going to continue Part I and Part II and talk about the names of the main languages that are spoken and the adjectives used to describe somebody from that country. Usually, the noun for the language spoken is the same as the adjective for somebody who resides there. Note that in English, unlike many other languages, even the adjectives for nationalities are usually written with a capital letter.
For example, in the country Spain, most people of Spanish nationality speak the Spanish language. But there are also exceptions: In the United States, most Americans speak English. It is interesting that the residents of the United States choose to call themselves "Americans," when in fact all of the people in the countries in North, Central, and South America could equally call themselves "Americans."
Let's take a look today at some countries we didn't discuss in the first two lessons whose country names and/or languages differ from the nationalities.
And look at that temperature in Brazil!
Caption 69, Side by Side - Beginners - The Weather
Play Caption
This is also by Kobra, the Brazilian street artist.
Caption 16, John S in New York - Kobra
Play Caption
I can speak Portuguese.
Captions 25-26, Side by Side - Beginners - Expressing abilities
Play Caption
In the country of Brazil, most Brazilian people speak the Portuguese language.
I come from Canada.
Caption 19, English Grammar in Use - Present Simple
Play Caption
Canadian kids are stepping up.
Caption 19, CBS News - The Easter Bunny in New Zealand
Play Caption
They brought many French words that became part of English.
Caption 46, The Alphabet - Introduction to the Alphabet
Play Caption
In the country of Canada, most Canadian people speak predominantly English or French. In the Canadian province Quebec, most people speak French and are called French Canadians.
The whole world was turned upside down by pictures from Ethiopia.
Caption 6, Make Poverty History - Bono
Play Caption
But a black runner never won the marathon until 1960,
when an Ethiopian runner did it barefoot.
Captions 11-12, Olympics 2012 - Fun Facts
Play Caption
In the country of Ethiopia, the dominant language spoken by the Ethiopian people is Amharic.
They were colonized by Spain, and so was the Philippines.
Caption 54, Turn Here Productions - San Francisco, CA
Play Caption
What's been the response to your winning from the Filipino people?
Caption 36, Miss World - Megan Young - Hello London!
Play Caption
In the country of the Philippines, most of the Filipino people speak Filipino or Tagalog.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and find more videos that use some of the country names, dominant languages, and nationalities used above and listed below. You can also see a more complete list of countries, their people, and their languages here.
Country Language Nationality
Australia English Australian
Brazil Portuguese Brazilian
Chile Spanish Chilean
China Chinese Chinese
Egypt Arabic Egyptian
Hungary Hungarian Hungarian
Italy Italian Italian
Japan Japanese Japanese
Korea Korean Korean
Netherlands Dutch Dutch
Portugal Portuguese Portuguese
Russia Russian Russian
United States English American
Se avete deciso di allargare i vostri orizzonti, a tal punto da voler pack your things (fare i bagagli) e trasferirvi all'estero, allora vi servirà un posto in cui stare. Magari all'inizio potreste decidere di condividere un appartamento con qualcuno, o di farvi ospitare da una persona che conoscete già disposta a cedervi il divano per un breve periodo.
Ma presto potrebbe arrivare il momento di cercare qualcosa che faccia davvero al caso vostro. Qualcosa non troppo distante dal vostro lavoro, ma anche abbastanza in centro, che però non vi costi an arm and a leg (un occhio della testa)... be', potrebbe volerci un po' di tempo, quindi iniziate intanto a raccogliere qualche informazione utitle sul mercato immobiliare del Paese che avete deciso di conquistare (anche solo nei vostri sogni).
La prima cosa da ricordare è che nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti si usano due termini diversi per indicare un appartamento con più stanze su un solo piano: flat nel Regno Unito e apartment negli Stati Uniti. Va da sé che usare uno al posto dell'altro in entrambi i Paesi non creerà nessun misunderstanding (fraintendimento).
I got used to renting flats when I was a student and the habit stuck.
Mi sono abituata a prendere appartamenti in affitto quando ero una studentessa e l'abitudine è rimasta.
Caption 3, Between Two Women - The Movie
Play Caption
Are you still looking for an apartment?
Stai ancora cercando un appartamento?
Caption 3, Side by Side - Beginners - Looking for an apartment
Play Caption
Il primo passo per trovare un appartamento è cercarlo! Alcune persone usano spesso l'espressione apartment-hunting per dire che sono a caccia di un appartamento. Per cominciare a cercare una casa negli Stati Uniti, oltre alle agenzie immobiliari, alla ricerca nei quotidiani americani (ad esempio, la sezione sul mercato immobiliare sul New York Times) e alla conoscenza di contatti diretti tramite passaparola, ci si può affidare ad alcuni siti internet.
Hi, I'm calling about an apartment that I saw listed on craigslist?
Salve, chiamo per un appartamento che ho visto [messo in subaffitto] su craigslist?
Caption 33, Jessica and Liz - How Much and How Many
Play Caption
Cercare su Internet è uno dei modi più semplici e veloci per trovare annunci su appartamenti in affitto o in subaffitto. Oltre a craigslist, negli Stati Uniti uno dei siti più usati è Zillow. Dopo aver trovato un appartamento che soddisfa le vostre esigenze, come il numero di camere da letto, il prezzo, servizi adeguati nel quartiere, ecc., potete prendere un appuntamento per vedere l'appartamento.
How much does it cost? -A thousand a month.
Quanto costa? -Mille al mese.
Caption 36, Jessica and Liz - How Much and How Many
Play Caption
Can I come see it? -Sure. Uh, why don't you come by Thursday...
Posso venire a vederlo? -Certo. Eh, perché non passi giovedì...
Captions 47-48, Jessica and Liz - How Much and How Many
Play Caption
Di solito, negli Stati Uniti, per stipulare a lease (un contratto di locazione) viene richiesto di soddisfare alcuni parametri finanziari relativi al reddito e alla propria storia creditizia. Potrebbe anche essere necessaria una lettera di referenze da parte del precedente proprietario di casa, documento utile a garantire la propria affidabilità. Se tutto filerà liscio e se l'appartamento vi piacerà, allora potrete put down a deposit (versare una cauzione).
...and if you're interested you can put down a deposit.
...e se sei interessata puoi versare una cauzione.
-How much money do you want for the deposit?
-Quanti soldi vuoi per la cauzione?
-Two hundred for the deposit and I'd like the first month's rent up front.
-Duecento per la cauzione e vorrei l'affitto del primo mese in anticipo.
Captions 49-51, Jessica and Liz - How Much and How Many
Play Caption
La cauzione, di solito, viene versata direttamente al proprietario di casa oppure su un contro di garanzia condiviso (shared escrow account). Dopo aver firmato il contratto, il proprietario di casa vi consegnerà le chiavi del vostro nuovo appartamento.
To come visit me, you have to ring the bell
Per venire a trovarmi, dovete suonare il citofono
for the third floor, which is my apartment.
del terzo piano, dove c'è il mio appartamento.
But I have my keys with me. I will unlock the door.
Ma ho le mie chiavi con me. Aprirò la porta.
Captions 5-7, Visiting Caralie - At the Entrance
Play Caption
Ora andate su Yabla Inglese e guardate la serie Looking for an Apartment per ripassare quello che avete imparato e scoprire tanto altro ancora. E buona fortuna per la vostra apartment-hunting!
Happy Women's History Month in March! Many countries celebrate International Women's Day every year on March 8th, some as official public holidays, and some less formally. Unfortunately, none of the major English-speaking countries—the United States, the United Kingdom, or Canada—observe the holiday officially. The United States has, however, made Women's History Month a "proclaimed" one-month observance since 1987. Every year, the White House makes an official proclamation about it.
This experience has convinced me that we all need to focus on the issues that afflict women around the world, and we need to do it now.
Captions 9-10, A Message from Prince Harry - At the CHIME for Change Concert
Play Caption
What are some of the issues that affect, or as Prince Harry puts it, afflict women around the world?
You're disrespectful, bullying, sexist, and I hate to say it, misogynistic.
Caption 14, Madonna - The Glee Club
Play Caption
You probably know what the first three words above mean, but do you know what is meant by "misogyny"? This unpleasant word comes from the ancient Greek words for "hate" and "women."
Women's liberation has made us not have to be slaves to our anatomy.
Captions 57-58, Mayim Bialik - Open Relationships
Play Caption
"Women's liberation" is a term for the women's rights movement. And while it is true that women's rights have advanced a lot in some countries, there is still a long way to go for women to truly have equal rights under the law and in real practice around the world.
By investing in education and women's rights, and raising people out of poverty, we could bring about "peak human" even sooner.
Captions 12-14, WWF International - How to Save Our Planet
Play Caption
In this video, the speakers believe that better women's rights are essential in improving the evolution of humanity.
Thank you for showing your support for women's rights.
Caption 4, A Message from Prince Harry - At the CHIME for Change Concert
Play Caption
You are very welcome, Prince Harry.
Further Learning
But seriously—and this goes for everyone, not just the males of the species: When is the last time you had a good talk about women's rights? Watch the videos above on Yabla English and write down some questions that come to mind in English. Then, either in small groups or in tandems, talk about your views on some of the issues. How we can improve our support for women's rights in our own lives?
In last month's Yabla English lesson, we discussed heterographs. Today, we'll be taking a look at homographs. These are homophonic words that sound the same and are spelled the same but have different meanings. Homographs can be quite confusing in spoken language, because the only way to know the meanings of the words that sound the same is by the context in which they are used. The word "homograph" comes from Ancient Greek and literally means "written the same."
A female brown bear has shown up in the delta with her cub.
Caption 10, Nature & Wildlife - Search for the Ghost Bear
Play Caption
OK, sure, it looks complicated, but bear with us.
Caption 3, Brexit - What Happens When the UK Leaves the EU?
Play Caption
The noun "bear" is a large and sometimes dangerous land mammal. The verb "to bear" means to carry something or to go along with something. Thus, somebody who "bears arms" is carrying weapons, and "to bear with somebody" is literally to follow them or figuratively to follow a concept they are explaining. The verb "to bear" can also mean to have children or offspring. Here is an example of a homophone pair in a single sentence: "The mother bear was ready to bear her cubs."
There was a mother duck sitting on her seven eggs.
Caption 6, Fairy Tales - The Ugly Duckling
Play Caption
I've also always believed that we have to confront big decisions, not duck them.
Caption 36, Brexit - David Cameron Resigns as UK Votes to Leave
Play Caption
The noun "duck" is a flat-billed water fowl or bird, whereas the verb "to duck" means literally to lower your head for safety, or figuratively to avoid something. Thus the question "Can a duck duck?" is asking if this species of bird is capable of lowering its head for safety. It sounds pretty funny too, right?
Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly.
Caption 23, Alice Cooper - Along Came a Spider
Play Caption
Airplanes fly there every day.
Caption 41, Motorcycle Masters - Birmingham Alabama
Play Caption
This one is quite easy. The noun "fly" is an insect, and the verb "to fly" is to move through the air. Unless it's in pretty bad health, your average housefly should be able to fly!
We can go by train, by plane, or by bus.
Caption 5, A Weekend in Amsterdam - Planning the Trip
Play Caption
We don't train them, we don't do anything like that.
Caption 28, Animal Planet - Lions Treat Woman like the Leader of Their Pride
Play Caption
The noun "train" is the way to travel on railways, and the verb "to train" is to teach or learn by instruction or drill. Since trains are mechanical machines, they can be engineered, but I don't think they can really be "trained" to behave!
Further Learning
Take a look at this list of 299 English homographs and make yourself familiar with some of the words that are new to you. Once you have looked up the definitions to learn what the different meanings are, find some videos on Yabla English that use the words in different contexts.
Don't be afraid of the difficult-looking words above! It's really quite simple: Homophones are all words that sound the same, but have different meanings. Heterographs are simply homophones that have different spellings. They can be quite confusing in spoken language, because the only way to tell homophones and heterographs apart is by the context in which they are used. The word "homophone" literally means "sounds the same," whereas the word heterograph means "written differently."
English has a large number of heterographs, and this probably has a lot to do with the history of the language. English is a Germanic language, meaning that it has its basic roots in the languages that were spoken in Scandinavia more than a thousand years ago. These peoples, called the Saxons, occupied much of Britain for centuries. But in the 1100s, the Normans, from what is now in France, invaded much of Britain and brought with them influences from the French language. This is also why English spelling can seem so difficult. The mix of languages in its development made for a mix of influences that also changed over time. For example, the word "rough" is pronounced RUFF, but the word "through," with the same -ough letter combination, is pronounced THROO. Let's take a look today at some heterographs in English.
Oh no. It's going to rain all week.
Caption 20, Sigrid explains - The Weather
Play Caption
There have been ravens here since the reign of Charles the Second.Caption 9, The London Story - Tower of London
Play Caption
The words "rain" and "reign" sound the same. But if somebody is talking about weather, you'll know they are probably talking about rain. On the other hand, if the talk is about a king or a queen, they are likely discussing reigns.
I can hear about what they've been up to since they've been here.
Caption 48, The Apartment - Maggie's Visit
Play Caption
In the example above, the heterographs "hear" and "here" both appear in the same sentence. Again, in most cases you can tell the difference in their meanings by the contexts in which the words are spoken.
OK, sure, it looks complicated, but bear with us.
Caption 3, Brexit - What Happens When the UK Leaves the EU?
Play Caption
The koala bear is not a bear. It's a marsupial.
Caption 38, English with Lauren - Contradictions
Play Caption
And our nightgowns are trailing and our feet are bare.
Caption 10, Katie Melua - Moonshine
Play Caption
In the first example above, we see the verb "to bear," which figuratively means "to have patience" or literally "to carry" something. The noun "bear," which refers to a large mammal, is a homophone of the verb "to bear." They are spelled the same but mean different things. The last example, "bare," sounds the same as the verb "to bear" and the noun "bear," but is spelled differently. "Bare" can mean "uncovered," as in "bare feet," or "empty," as in "a bare cupboard." So a silly sentence like "Bear with the bare bear" means "Have patience with the uncovered large animal."
Pollination happens when insects, such as bees, or wind, or other forces of nature transport pollen from one flower to another.
Captions 31-32, Luana explains - Plants
Play Caption
Mix the baking powder well into the flour before adding it to the other ingredients.
Caption 14, English Afternoon Tea - Victoria Sponge - The Royal Connection
Play Caption
Again, the context in which the word is spoken will help you to know if the speaker is talking about flowers or an ingredient in a recipe!
Further Learning
Take a look at this list of 335 English heterographs and make yourself familiar with some of the words that are new to you. Then choose a pair of words that are pronounced the same, but spelled differently, and find some videos on Yabla English that use the words. Listen to the videos with the captions turned off so you can practice listening to the two words in the context of the videos. In most cases, you will probably know which word is meant! You can also watch the 10-Part Yabla series "The History of the English Language."
If you ever decide to move to an English-speaking country, you may be looking for an apartment or house to rent. Let's take a look today at some of the basic English terminology related to renting a place of your own! Note that in some countries like the UK, an apartment is often informally called a "flat."
Are you still looking for an apartment?
Caption 3, Side by Side: Beginners Looking for an apartment
Play Caption
The first step in finding an apartment is to look for one! Sometimes people also say they are "apartment-hunting."
Hi, I'm calling about an apartment that I saw listed on craigslist?
Caption 33, Jessica and Liz: How Much and How Many
Play Caption
How much does it cost? -A thousand a month.
Caption 36, Jessica and Liz How Much and How Many
Play Caption
Looking on the internet is one of the best ways to find listings for rental apartments. Some people still use a website called craigslist, but in the United States, one of the most popular current websites is Zillow. Once you have found an available apartment that meets your requirements for size, price, and neighborhood etc., you can make an appointment to see the apartment.
Many employers don't check references at this stage of the application process.
Caption 4, Business Life: Curriculum Vitae
Play Caption
The video above is about a job application, but when you find an apartment you like, you will then need to fill out an apartment application. In your application, you state things like job and landlord references. Sometimes potential landlords will ask your permission to run a credit check on you, which in some cases requires you to pay a fee. You may have to pay this fee whether you get the apartment or not, so be careful in these situations!
And how soon can you send us the contract to finalize the deal?
Caption 48, The Company: Difficulties with Coworkers and Contracts
Play Caption
Once your rental application and credit check are approved, the next step is for you to sign a rental contract. This is often referred to as a "lease."
And if you're interested you can put down a deposit. How much money do you want for the deposit? 200 for the deposit and I'd like the first month's rent up front.
Captions 49-51, Jessica and Liz: How Much and How Many
Play Caption
In most cases, you will be required to pay a rental deposit, either directly to the landlord, or into a shared escrow account. The amount is usually the equivalent of two or three months' rent.
Where are my keys?
Caption 50, Parts of Speech: Question Words
Play Caption
Once you have signed the rental contract, it is standard for the landlord to give you the keys to the apartment.
I'm so excited to show her our new apartment.
Caption 3, The Apartment: Maggie's Visit
Play Caption
Congratulations on getting your new place, at least in theory! A good English vocabulary will help you in your quest, but you'll need a little bit of luck too!
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the entire Looking for an Apartment video, then practice any new words that you've learned. Happy holidays from Yabla!
This is the third and final lesson about non-digital office supplies that we use in the workplace and at school. You probably know some of the words already, but today let's take a look at some items that may be new to your vocabulary.
On your desktop you will see a folder marked "Irish Promotion."
Caption 32, The Company: Starting on a New Job
Play Caption
This book is big. This is a red folder.
Caption 31, Parts of Speech: Introduction
Play Caption
A folder is a folded piece of plastic or thin cardboard that you can store papers in. Like many office supplies, the folder has a digital counterpart, such as the virtual folders on your computer desktop.
I take notes in a notebook or on a notepad.
Caption 9, The Alphabet: The Letter N
Play Caption
Do you know where you can see da Vinci's notebook?
Caption 20, Visit London: Top 10 London Attractions
Play Caption
A notebook or notepad is a bit like a book with blank pages. Sometimes they are bound like a book, and sometimes they are bound with piece of spiral wire. Some laptop computers are called notebooks or notepads. So while Leonardo da Vinci would probably have been very impressed with a laptop, they hadn't yet been invented in the 15th century!
And in this cubby I have my interior design tools like my scale ruler and my measuring tape.
Captions 39-40, Creative Space: An Artist's Studio
Play Caption
A cubby, also called a "cubbyhole," is a small shelf that may be part of a desk or part of a free-standing shelf. Cubbyholes are convenient for keeping items that you use a lot within easy reach.
A scale ruler is a kind of ruler that designers and architects often use. Unlike a flat ruler, the scale ruler is shaped on the end like a 3-pointed star and has 6 sides.
A measuring tape, also called a "tape measure," is for measuring things that are longer than a standard ruler. Measuring tapes roll up into a small case that you can carry in your pocket.
Let's get down to brass tacks.
Caption 20, Groucho Marx: You Bet Your Life
Play Caption
A tack, or "thumbtack," is usually a round piece of metal with a pin attached that allows you to attach papers onto a bulletin board or a wall.
A bulletin board is a somewhat large board usually made out of cork for tacking papers onto. A tack with a plastic handle that makes it easier to pull out is called a push-pin.
Note that in the video caption above, the phrase "to get down to brass tacks" is an expression that means "to get down to the basic facts." It probably came from Cockney rhyming slang.
Further Learning
Review Part I and Part II of this office supplies series to see if you remember the different English names for the various items commonly found in an office. Then go to to Yabla English and watch the videos above to get a better overview of the words you just learned. If you're feeling really brave, read the Wikipedia article above and see if you can invent your own Cockney rhyming slang for something!
Let's talk today about office supplies that we use in the workplace and at school. Some words, like "ballpoint pen," you probably know already, but let's take a look at some items that may be new to your vocabulary.
This is a felt-tipped pen because the tip, the end — usually a small end — is made of felt or something synthetic.Captions 15-17, Sigrid explains: The Tipping Point
Play Caption
Felt-tipped pens are also called "marking pens" or "permanent markers." This is because you can write on surfaces like steel or plastic with them and the ink does not rub off. They also often smell bad!
This highlighter is pink, and pink is usually just red and white mixed together,
Captions 31-32, Luana explains: Colors
Play Caption
A highlighter, also called a "highlighter pen," is often used to mark passages of text in books with bright colors so you can more easily find them again. Since this makes it difficult for someone else to read it later, you may want to consider marking the book lightly with a pencil instead. It's also more environmentally friendly.
The caveman assembles the board with glue.
Caption 5, Caveman Skatetech: Desert
Play Caption
Glue is a sticky fluid used to fasten objects such as wood and paper together. There are many different kinds of glue for different purposes.
I use a ruler to draw a straight line.
Caption 52, The Alphabet: The Letter U
Play Caption
A ruler is a straight, flat, and narrow piece of wood, plastic, or metal that you can draw a straight line with, but it usually also has centimeter or inch markings on it so that you can measure something. Builders often use a tape measure, which is much longer than a ruler, and rolls up into a small case that is portable.
Most people think that the pink part of the eraser is for pencil marks.
Captions 36-37, Facts Verse: 10 Things You Did Not Know The Use For
Play Caption
An eraser is a rubber-like object you use to remove or erase pencil marks.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the videos above to get a better overview of the words you just learned. Stay tuned for the last part of our office supplies series next month!
Let's talk today about office supplies that we use in the workplace and at school. Some words, like "ballpoint pen," you probably know already, but let's take a look at some items that may be new to your vocabulary.
Who, from what I hear, needs to keep his stapler in his desk drawer.
Caption 39, New Year's Resolutions: Friends
Play Caption
The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes a stapler as "a small usually hand-operated device for inserting wire staples." A stapler looks like this!
I have a brown tape, a paper tape, and this clear tape.
Caption 25, Abiventures: Organizing
Play Caption
The tape described above is adhesive tape, which usually comes in rolls and has a band of plastic or paper that is sticky on one side.
What's this envelope? Is this a wedding invitation?
Caption 3, How I Met Your Mother: Douche-pocalypse
Play Caption
An envelope is the folded paper holder in which you send and receive letters—the part of a letter that has the address on it.
My green pencil... My red pencil... My yellow pencil.
Captions 44-46, David and Red: in England
Play Caption
A pencil is, of course, a writing instrument, usually made of wood with a graphite center. They are sometimes called "lead pencils," because in ancient times, people sometimes wrote with sticks of lead. Pencils that are other colors, such as those in the video above, are called "colored pencils."
I'm cutting this string with my scissors,
Caption 12, The Alphabet: The Letter C
Play Caption
In English, unlike many other languages, the noun "scissors" is always plural. Thus you say "The scissors are..." and never "The scissors is..." The word "scissor," without the -s ending, can be a verb or an adjective, however.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the videos above to get a better overview of the words you just learned!
Per esprimere una conseguenza dipendente da una condizione si usa il periodo ipotetico, che è costituito da una if clause (proposizione secondaria), introdotta appunto dalla congiunzione if (se) e da una main clause (proposizione principale). Quando la if clause viene per prima, spesso si inserisce una virgola tra le due:
If you have any questions, please ask your cabin crew.
Se avete delle domande, per favore chiedete ai vostri assistenti di volo.
Caption 17, British Airways safety video director's cut - Part 2
Play Caption
Nel periodo ipotetico, la condizione può essere introdotta congiunzioni diverse da if. La proposizione secondaria può iniziare, per esempio, con:
per parlare di condizioni certe, che si verificheranno sicuramente
When we finish our exams, we'll go on a trip to the seaside.
Quando finiremo gli esami, andremo a fare una gita al mare. (è sicuro che li finiremo)
per porre una condizione negativa, equivalente a if... not
And cars pollute the air, unless they are electric.
E le auto inquinano l'aria, a meno che non siano elettriche.
Captions 20-21, Slow News with Sigrid Alternative transportation
Play Caption
Notate che in italiano "a meno che" viene seguito da un verbo alla forma negativa, mentre in inglese unless è seguito da un verbo alla forma affermativa.
per sottolineare in modo più forte l'idea di restrizione o limitazione. Si usa spesso con i permessi
You can have a sleepover at your friend's provided his parents are at home.
Puoi dormire dal tuo amico a condizione che i suoi genitori siano a casa.
But for your help, we would never make it. (oppure: if it weren't for your help...)
Se non fosse per il vostro aiuto, non cela faremmo mai.
Then some jeans, of course, a sweatshirt with a hood, just in case it gets cold and there's wind.
Poi dei jeans, chiaramente, una felpa con il cappuccio, in caso faccia freddo e ci sia vento.
Captions 18-19, Parts of Speech Question Words - Part 5
Play Caption
Per esprimere desideri difficilmente realizzabili, sogni o fantasie, oltre alle forme I would really like / love to (mi piacerebbe davvero tanto), si può usare il verbo to wish (desiderare) con queste costruzioni:
wish + past simple / past continuous oppure wish + could + verbo alla forma base per desideri riferiti a situazioni presenti:
I wish Miss Thompson was here.
Vorrei che la signorina Thompson fosse qui.
Caption 71, Between Two Women The Movie - Part 16
Play Caption
wish + would + verbo alla forma base solo se si vorrebbe che qualcuno facesse qualcosa di diverso:
Hi parents wish he would stop smoking.
I suoi genitori vorrebbero che smettesse di fumare.
wish + past perfect per esprimere rimpianti, desideri riferiti a situazioni passate ormai immodificabili:
Well, I wish you had thrown the ball to me!
Be', vorrei che avessi lanciato la palla a me!
Caption 28, Jessica and Liz Conjugate the Verb 'Throw'
Play Caption
La congiunzione if only + past simple (se soltanto/se solo) si usa per esprimere un desiderio, ma anche disappunto o rincrescimento per un fatto presente:
But if only I had my golden ball back!
Ma se solo avessi indietro la mia palla d'oro!
Caption 14, Fairy Tales The Frog King - Part 1
Play Caption
if only + past perfect si usa invece per esprimere rimpianti riguardo a una situazione passata:
If only I hadn't said those words. (anche: I wish I hadn't said those words.)
Se solo non avessi detto quelle parole.
Many parts of the world are experiencing a heat wave of unprecedented scale this summer. As an extreme example, the United Kingdom experienced temperatures of 104 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time in recorded history. Let's talk today about the heat wave and other aspects of hot weather — hopefully with some nice, cool air conditioning running!
DJ, let the beat play, make a heat wave when you replay this.
Caption 50, Madcon feat. Ray Dalton: Don't Worry
Play Caption
The heat wave referred to here is a metaphor, or figure of speech, but the heat wave enveloping many English-speaking countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom this summer is very real.
With more energy in the atmosphere, weather becomes more extreme, so there are more floods, droughts, and storms.
Captions 64-66, FuseSchool: How Burning Fossil Fuels Leads to Climate Change
Play Caption
A common side effect of heat waves is droughts. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "drought" as "a period of dryness especially when prolonged; specifically, one that causes extensive damage to crops or prevents their successful growth." It is therefore likely that the heat will cause there to be shortages in food production and higher prices in the coming year.
This heat makes more ice melt, which in turn allows more heat to be absorbed.
Caption 80, FuseSchool: How Does Global Warming Affect The Environment
Play Caption
Another problem with excessively hot weather is the melting of the polar ice caps, which leads to rising ocean levels and floods.
The sea ice acts like the world's air conditioner.
Caption 35, Arctic Sea Ice: Why melting matters
Play Caption
Many places that are now experiencing heat waves have rarely seen such high temperatures and do not have the infrastructure to deal with them. In some places, living spaces, offices, schools, and public transport do not have air conditioning, which makes day-to-day living uncomfortable and even dangerous. The heat can present a major health risk for the elderly and people suffering from illnesses.
I have a fan, so in the summertime it's cool enough for me to be in here.
Captions 16-17, Creative Space: An Artist's Studio
Play Caption
If you don't have an air conditioner and are experiencing extreme heat where you live, having a good fan is the next best thing!
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and search for terms like "heat" and "weather" to find more videos relating to hot weather. If you're experiencing intense sunny weather where you live, be sure and follow some good rules for safety in the sun. Thank you for learning English with Yabla and do your best to stay cool out there this summer!
For those of you reading this lesson on the day it was published, today is the Fourth of July. In many countries, it's just another day of the month, but in the United States it is a federal holiday. The date is the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, when the American colonies declared that they were no longer under the control of Great Britain.
One of the most important holidays in the United States is Independence Day or the Fourth of July. We can also say "July fourth," but when we're talking about that holiday we traditionally say "the Fourth of July."
Captions 30-33, Sigrid explains: Numbers - Part 3
Play Caption
Many people in the United States celebrate this holiday with a variety of traditional activities. Let's take a look at a few of these today.
It's high summer with warm weather on the Fourth of July, so people often celebrate the holiday by going picnicking and even boating, if there is a lake nearby.
You can have a picnic, there's a lake to take boats out on.
Caption 26, Jessica: Brooklyn Sites
Play Caption
Cold beer in a cooler and meat cooked on a barbecue are also Fourth of July holiday traditions, but some iced tea or lemonade for the kids and teetotalers, and some vegan sausages for the vegetarians have become traditional too!
Not to mention a cooler for the beer, and the meat for the evening barbecue.
Caption 39, The Last Paradises: America's National Parks
Play Caption
Traditional Fourth of July picnic salads include potato salad, pasta salad, and a variety of fruit salads.
Then, I'm going to prepare a little salad of cherry tomatoes.
Caption 23, Food Talk with Sigrid: Simple Summer Vegetables
Play Caption
But even more for its amazing flavor, no Fourth of July picnic would be complete without a fresh, ripe watermelon!
Watermelon, for its beautiful color...
Caption 14, Tara's Recipes: Delicious Fruit Salad with Greek Yoghurt
Play Caption
The highlight and grand finale of a good Fourth of July is, however, the inevitable fireworks:
It started at seven and ended at one with an amazing fireworks display!
Captions 13-14, The Olympics: Interesting facts by Zara
Play Caption
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and study the captions in the videos above to get a better idea of the contexts in which they are used. Happy Fourth of July to all of you, wherever you may be!
Se siete dei tipi socievoli e avete da poco conosciuto qualcuno (a new American friend) con cui vi andrebbe di trascorrere un po' di tempo, dovete essere in grado di formulare degli inviti in un inglese impeccabile. In questa lezione troverete degli esempi da cui partire per formulare le vostre proposte.
Will and would (più formale) sono usati in domande alla seconda persona per:
-invitare qualcuno a fare qualcosa:
Will / Would you dance with me?
Balleresti con me?
-offrire qualcosa in maniera formale (seguito da have):
Will you have some pie?
Gradisci un po' di crostata?
-fare una richiesta:
Would you mind closing that window?
Ti dispiacerebbe chiudere quella finestra?
Caption 61, English with Annette O'Neil Formally and Informally Asking for Help - Part 1
Play Caption
La costruzione più usata per offrire qualcosa (in forma interrogativa), in maniera comunque gentile, è would seguito dal verbo like. Si tratta della forma condizionale del verbo "volere" e si usa per esprimere volontà e desideri. Would like può essere seguito da un verbo all'infinito oppure da un sostantivo:
Would you like some breakfast? I'm making coffee.
Vorresti qualcosa per colazione? Sto facendo il caffè.
Caption 8, The Apartment Maggie's Visit - Part 3
Play Caption
What would you like to drink? -Some fruit juice, please.
Cosa desideri da bere? -Del succo di frutta, per favore.
Con le stesse funzioni, ma in contesti più informali, si usa il verbo regolare to want (volere). Anch'esso, come would like, può essere seguito da un verbo all'infinito o da un sostantivo:
Do you want to have a look round, Victor?
Vuoi dare un'occhiata qui in giro, Victor?
Caption 61, Between Two Women The Movie - Part 7
Play Caption
Un altro modo, facile ed informale, per offrire qualcosa o invitare qualcuno a fare qualcosa con noi è la costruzione how about + sostantivo o verbo al gerundio. Notate come possiamo rendere più casual un invito che suonava parecchio formale:
How about some pie?
Ti va un po' di crostata?
How about working as a lifestyle photographer with “Time Out” magazine?
Che ne dite di lavorare come fotografo di lifestyle [stile di vita] con la rivista "Time Out"?
Caption 19, The Best Jobs In The World Official Trailer
Play Caption
Per dire che si vuole che qualcuno faccia qualcosa, si usa la costruzione oggettiva I want / would like someone to do something, e non "I would like that someone does something":
I'd like you to give me another chance.
Vorrei che tu mi dessi un'altra possibilità.
I want you to come back.
Voglio che tu torni.
Caption 28, Parks and Recreation Best of Ron & April - Part 2
Play Caption
Per esprimere preferenza si usano le costruzioni
I would prefer to / I'd prefer to + verbo alla forma base
I would rather / I'd rather + verbo alla forma base (+ than...)
Rather è un avverbio che significa "piuttosto", quindi I'd rather do this than (do) that significa letteralmete "farei questo piuttosto che quello" e quindi "preferireri fare...":
I'd rather play some soccer.
Preferirei giocare a calcio.
Caption 66, Once upon a time... Planet Earth The guardians of the planet - Part 3
Play Caption