Summer is on its way, and if you are lucky, you may have a garden in your yard that you can take care of. To do that, it may help if you know the names of the gardening tools that you may need. Let's take a look today at some of the English names of some standard gardening tools.
This is what parts of Australia looked like before the European settlers arrived with their axes and saws.
Captions 14-15, BBC Planet Wild: Alien Animals
Play Caption
An ax is used to chop through the trunks of trees and large branches. The word is made plural by adding "-es" for "axes." Sometimes the singular word is written as "axe," which is grammatically correct, but perhaps a bit old-fashioned. "Ax" is also a verb, "to ax." Thus you can ax a tree down, or you can cut a tree down with an ax.
A saw is used to cut through the trunks of trees and large branches. The plural form is, as you see in the example above, "saws." You can also use "to saw" as a verb. Thus you can saw a tree down, or you can cut a tree down with a saw. A saw that is especially made for cutting branches is called a "pruning saw."
I rake the leaves with a rake.
Caption 25, The Alphabet: The Letter A
Play Caption
A rake is a gardening tool with a long, usually wooden handle. It has a wide metal fork with hooked ends that allow you to gather leaves and yard debris, much as you sweep with a broom. As you see in the example above, "to rake" is a verb and a "rake" is a noun.
We helped with hands and wheelbarrows, shovels and sweat.
Captions 46-47, All Hands: Volunteers Appeal Video
Play Caption
People have to shovel their driveways and sidewalks in front of the house.
Caption 43, The Seasons: Winter
Play Caption
A shovel, also called a spade, also usually has a long wooden handle. Its end is a triangle-shaped flat metal piece that is used to dig holes in the ground or move dirt, sand, and even snow. As you see in the second example, "to shovel" is also a verb.
A wheelbarrow is a cart with one wheel in front and stands in the back that is used to carry dirt, sand, and other similar things. There is no verb derived from "wheelbarrow," and usually its usage is "to push a wheelbarrow."
And anyone who laid it on with a trowel...
Caption 18, The History of English: Shakespeare
Play Caption
A trowel is similar to a shovel, but much smaller. It works well for making small holes to put potted plants into the ground. The phrase "to lay it on with a trowel" is also an idiom, or saying, that means "to exaggerate."
People have lawn mowers and they mow the lawn.
Captions 27-28, Sigrid Spring Musings
Play Caption
A lawn mower is a machine used to cut the grass or lawn. Some of them are manual and require a lot of force to push them by hand. Most lawn mowers today have electric or gasoline motors, and some even have powered wheels. There are also lawn mowers called "riding lawn mowers" that you can sit on and drive.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and study the captions in the videos above to get a better idea of the contexts in which references to these garden tools have been made. You can also go to this site and see a long list of different kinds of gardening tools.
With most English nouns, you simply add an "s" to make the noun plural. The singular word for "noun" is "noun," and if you want to describe more of them, you just add an "s" to make it plural: "nouns." Sometimes there are irregular plurals with no "s," such as the singular "man" becoming the plural "men."
However, there are a number of nouns in English which cannot really be counted and are never used in plural form with an "s" ending. These are called mass nouns (or sometimes "uncountable nouns"). The Oxford Dictionary describes a mass noun as "a noun denoting something that cannot be counted (e.g. a substance or quality), in English usually a noun which lacks a plural in ordinary usage and is not used with the indefinite article."
Children often make the mistake of adding "s" to mass nouns, which is cute but also shows that it's not so easy to understand their usage. "Mommy, look at all the sheeps!" and "I really like to eat spaghettis!" are cute, but unfortunately grammatically incorrect!
You have a sheep and a hippo? -Yeah.
Caption 58, Jimmy Kimmel: Lie Detective
Play Caption
A herd of bighorn sheep ends up blocking traffic on their way to a better grazing ground.
Caption 1, The Last Paradises: America's National Parks
Play Caption
"Sheep" is a mass noun and there is no such word as "sheeps": One sheep, two sheep, three sheep.
They can play chess, if they wish.
Caption 30, George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: BBC TV Movie
Play Caption
The noun "chess" is not used in a plural sense at all. You can have "games of chess," "chess sets," or "chess boards," but in these cases, "chess" is being used as an adjectival describer and the nouns being described are the plurals.
Would you like to sample our vegan bacon?
Caption 1, Parks and Recreation: Best of Ron & April
Play Caption
The only way to suggest "bacon" in singular form is to combine it with other descriptions such as "a piece of bacon" or a "little bit of bacon."
All spaghetti spoons have a hole in the bottom.
Caption 60, Facts Verse: 10 Things You Did Not Know The Use For
Play Caption
With "spaghetti" too, you can have "lots of spaghetti" but not "spaghettis."
Thank you for showing your support for women's rights.
Caption 4, A message from Prince Harry: at the CHIME for Change concert
Play Caption
You may see the word "supports" with an "s" in verb form, as in "Prince Harry supports women's rights." You also see it in a different meaning for the noun, such as "the steel supports for the building." But when you are talking about the kind of support that means you are giving approval, comfort, or encouragement to someone or something, then it's always a mass noun.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and study the captions in the videos above to get a better idea of the contexts in which mass nouns have been used. You can also go to this site and see a long list of mass nouns.
English, like many languages, uses a lot of idioms referring to animals. Let's continue from Part I and take a look today at some more English animal expressions.
We're dying like flies down here!
Caption 16, Stephen King: The Stand
Play Caption
The more common phrase is "dropping like flies," and probably comes from people having seen many dead flies on window sills, which gave the impression that they die in large numbers. The phrase usually means that many people have gotten sick or are dying.
We'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing.
Caption 5, Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock
Play Caption
The phrase "to horse around" probably comes from seeing horses play, and means "to fool around." Another common related phrase with a similar meaning is "to indulge in horseplay."
Everything is fast paced in a rat race.
Caption 10, Core Kiteboarding: The Core Diaries
Play Caption
The term "rat race" probably comes from seeing rats run a long way to try to get a small piece of food. Wikipedia describes "rat race" as "an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit." In American English, "getting out of the rat race" means to quit a stressful job and pursue a less hectic means of employment.
I wouldn't say it was a wild goose chase...
Caption 41, Karate Kids, USA: The Little Dragons
Play Caption
A "wild goose chase" is a fool's errand, or an attempt to pursue something that is hopeless. It probably comes from wild geese being difficult to catch.
The King James Bible is the book that taught us that "a leopard can't change its spots," that "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," that "a wolf in sheep's clothing" is harder to spot than you would imagine, and how annoying it is to have "a fly in your ointment."
Captions 18-21, The History of English: The King James Bible
Play Caption
This caption addresses four common animal sayings. "A leopard can't change its spots" means that it's impossible or very difficult for a person to change their character. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" means that you shouldn't risk what you have if you might lose it seeking additional gain. It can also mean you should be satisfied with what you have. "A wolf in sheep's clothing" suggests somebody who is pretending to be a friend, but is in fact an enemy. Lastly, "the fly in the ointment" means that something unexpected has caused something to go wrong. It's also a warning that something may seem too good to be true.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and study the captions in the videos above to get a better idea of the contexts in which they have been used. You can also go to this site and see some other English phrases that use animals.
English, like many languages, uses a lot of idioms referring to animals. You may have heard the English expression "as hungry as a horse" (very hungry) or "monkey see, monkey do" (when somebody copies somebody else). What these expressions have in common in all languages is that they refer to some quality that is associated with a specific animal in that culture: Horses eat a lot of food and monkeys can be mimics—always compared to humans, of course. Let's take a look today at some English animal expressions.
All of the sudden, one of the orcas made a beeline in this direction.
Caption 2, National Geographic: WILD Killer Whale vs. Great White Shark
Play Caption
Similar to the English expression "as the crow flies"—meaning the fastest way between two points is a straight line—the phrase "to make a beeline" means "to go quickly" or "to go directly." Speaking of bees:
Leave me the birds and the bees.
Caption 21, Counting Crows with Vanessa Carlton: Big Yellow Taxi
Play Caption
The phrase "to know about the birds and the bees" means "to have received education about sex," but it is often used as a general metaphor for sex. And now we're on to birds:
I killed two birds with one stone!
Caption 36, English: Common Phrases
Play Caption
This expression fortunately has nothing to do with actually killing any poor birds, but means "to get two (or more) things done at once." There's also another somewhat similar idiom, "better a bird in the hand than two in the bush." This means it is better to actually have something real than risk losing it by trying to get something better. Speaking of birds again:
Well if he wants to play chicken, this rooster ain't backing down.
Caption 15, How I Met Your Mother: The Perfect Cocktail
Play Caption
The phrase "to play chicken" means to play a dangerous game to see who is bravest. A famous movie used this as part of its plot: In the film Rebel without a Cause, the actors James Dean and Corey Allen "play chicken" by racing cars towards the edge of a cliff to see who will dare to stay in the car the longest before jumping out. Spoiler alert: it doesn't end well!
At that moment, the witch realized that there was something fishy, and started yelling at her.
Captions 45-46, Fairy Tales: Rapunzel
Play Caption
The usual expression is "something fishy is going on," and it means that something about a person or a situation is suspicious or not as it appears. It probably comes from the fact that even though a fish at the market may look fine, it smells bad if it is no longer fresh.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and study the captions in the videos above to get a better idea of the contexts in which they have been used. You can also go to this site and see some other English phrases that use animals.
In una lezione precedente, abbiamo parlato della differenza tra il Present perfect e il Simple past, due tempi verbali che in italiano corrispondono perlopiù al passato prossimo dell'indicativo. Se desiderate ripassare la costruzione di questi due tempi verbali, leggete questa lezione.
Il present perfect è un tempo verbale che fa da ponte tra il passato e il presente e può corrispondre (anche se non sempre) al passato prossimo italiano. Si usa per esprimere un'azione o una situazione passata che ha una relazione con il presente. Si forma con l'ausiliare have e il past participle (participio passato) del verbo principale: soggetto + have/has + verbo al participio passato.
I've been in New York for three years.
Sono a New York da tre anni. (sono arrivata tre anni fa e sono ancora qui)
Quando parliamo di situazioni che hanno avuto inizio nel passato e che continuano nel presente, specificandone la durata o il momento di inizio (duration from up to the present), usiamo il present perfect, a differenza dell'italiano dove in questi casi il tempo usato è il presente indicativo. Non c'è dunque corrispondenza con il tempo usato in inglese. Inoltre, se in italiano useremo sempre la preposizione "da", in inglese dobbiamo fare una distinzione tra for e since.
Per specificare il periodo della durata dell'azione si usa la preposizione for:
It's now six o'clock. They have been here for two hours.
Ora sono le sei. Sono qui da due ore.
Per precisare il momento di inizio dell'azione, si usa la preposizione since:
[Since two thousand three Nespresso works with the Rainforest Alliance]
[Dal duemilatredici Nespresso lavora con l'Alleanza per le foreste pluviali]
Caption 18, AAA Program 10 Years of shared commitment to sustainability
Play Caption
Per chiedere "da quanto tempo" dura una certa situzione la domanda può iniziare con How long...? o For how long...? (da quanto tempo), oppure Since when...? (da quando).
So, you... you've been with your girlfriend for how long now?
Quindi, tu... tu stai con la tua ragazza da quanto tempo adesso?
Caption 44, Ed Sheeran Interview with Ellen DeGeneres
Play Caption
Since when the hell do you give orders around here?
[Che] diavolo, da quando dai ordini qui?
Caption 3, Dream to Believe aka Flying - Part 13
Play Caption
La forma di durata espressa con il present perfect si trova solitamente con i verbi di stato come to be, to have, to know, to want, to love... e con i verbi di azione alla forma negativa:
They haven't written to me for a year.
Non mi scrivono da un anno.
Osserva le espressioni for long/for a long time (da molto tempo) e for ages (da una vita):
So, Mars has been dry for a long time.
Quindi, Marte è arido da molto tempo.
Caption 51, Slow News with Sigrid Water on Mars, the Oscars, and more
Play Caption
I've known them for ages. We've lived door to door since we were children.
Li conosco da una vita. Abitiamo porta a porta da quando eravamo bambini.
Yabla published a Happy Valentine's Day lesson some years ago, but we've added a lot of new videos since back then that discuss the holiday, so here is Part II of the series! You may have heard about Valentine's Day, but you may not know that much about it if it wasn't celebrated where you grew up. In primarily English-speaking countries, Valentine's Day is often celebrated by giving your loved one a valentine's card, flowers, or chocolates. In the United States and the United Kingdom, it takes place on February 14th every year, but is not an official public holiday.
I hope people will be around to watch even though it's Valentine's Day.
Caption 14, Dr. Sheldon Cooper: Fun with Flags
Play Caption
We too hope that you will read this lesson, even though today is Valentine's Day. (Sorry if you are late in reading this!)
Every woman wants a date on Valentine's Day.
Caption 17, How I Met Your Mother: Desperation Day
Play Caption
That is simply not true: some people prefer to be alone. And besides, just as many men want dates too. The above video is actually a comedy, and it's against Valentine's Day, preferring to call it "Desperation Day." Anyway, it's okay to feel any way you want to about it!
And today is Valentine's Day here. -Today is Valentine's Day. That is true. Happy Valentine's Day, everybody.
Captions 41-42, Luana and Austin: How They Got Married
Play Caption
Indeed, happy Valentine's Day to you, too. Celebrate it any way you like or not at all. That's the great thing about this holiday, it's strictly optional. Unless, of course, you're in a relationship, and then it's best if both of you agree!
And what's your plan for Saint Valentine's Day?
Caption 1, NorthEasternTV: What Are Northeastern Students Doing for Valentine's Day?
Play Caption
Yes, that can be a troubling question if you are single and worrying about it. Best not to worry about things though, just have a good time with some similarly single friends or just ignore the holiday altogether! Note that sometimes, as above, the holiday has the saint's name included in it, which you occasionally see. If you choose to be critical of Valentine's Day, it's reassuring to know that there were three Saint Valentines, and nobody is even really sure which saint the holiday was named for!
Note that "Valentine" is written with the first letter capitalized when it's a proper noun, such as "Valentine's Day," a person's name like "St. Valentine," or a band name like "My Bloody Valentine." But when you write about the type of card known as "a valentine" or ask somebody to "be your valentine," then it's always written lowercase.
Further Learning
If you're a bit skeptical about the holiday, watch the How I Met Your Mother episode on Yabla English. But if you're feeling more supportive, watch the Valentine's Day movie trailer. Either way, we at Yabla wish you all a happy Valentine's Day!
Immaginate di essere a Londra e di voler fare un giro in città. Se avete poco tempo, la soluzione migliore è la metropolitana. Se ci siete già stati, non farete fatica a ricordare una piccola frase che viene ripetuta quasi ininterrottamente da una voce computerizzata che vi ricorda di fare attenzione allo stacco tra la banchina e la porta del treno. Stiamo parlando di questa:
Mind the gap, please.
Attenzione allo spazio, per favore.
Caption 40, London London Transport (A1-A2)Play Caption
Ma in questa lezione non parleremo della metropolitana. L’esempio precedente serve ad introdurre una parolina inglese che racchiude in sé tanti significati. Questa parola è mind. Partiamo subito con il primo:
He has a quick mind.
Ha una mente sveglia.
Quindi stiamo parlando di un sostantivo, the mind (la mente), in riferimento proprio al complesso delle facoltà intellettive e psichiche dell’uomo. Ma mind talvolta può riferirsi anche al cervello, quindi per estensione all’intelligenza. Fin qui, i significati possono essere racchiusi in un’unica sfera: mente, cervello, intelligenza… Aggiungiamone altri due: "idea" e "opinione".
I’ve changed my mind. I prefer the red dress.
Ho cambiato idea. Preferisco il vestito rosso.
Attenzione! Mind da solo non vuol dire "idea", non diremmo mai I have a mind per dire "ho un'idea". Solo se preceduto dal verbo to change questo sostantivo assume questo significato specifico. E se invece proprio non riuscite a decidervi su qualcosa, allora qualcuno potrebbe anche rispondervi così:
Well, you'd better make up your mind.
Be', farebbe meglio a decidersi.
Play Caption
Mind if I sit here? -Sure.
Ti dispiace se mi siedo qui? -Certo.
Caption 45, Dream to Believe aka Flying - Part 4
Play Caption
Would you mind closing that window?
Ti dispiacerebbe chiudere quella finestra?
Caption 61, English with Annette O'Neil Formally and Informally Asking for Help - Part 1
Play Caption
Suggest you let the Army mind their business and you mind yours, unit sixteen. Bye.
Ti suggerisco di lasciare che sia l'esercito ad occuparsi dei loro affari e tu dei tuoi, unità sedici. Passo.
Caption 31, Stephen King The Stand - Part 4
Play Caption
Un'altra sfumatura del verbo to mind è "dare importanza", "dare peso a qualcosa". Molto diffusa è l'espressione never mind (non importa), usata in riferimento a qualcosa che non ha peso o valore, qualcosa a cui non diamo importanza in quanto priva di rilievo o senza gravi effetti.
Questa espressione è anche usata in frasi colloquali di forma o di senso negativo, per esprimere più o meno sprezzantemente noncuranza e disinteresse.
to bear/keep in mind (tenere presente, considerare)
to go out of your mind (andare fuori di testa)
to have in mind (avere in mente)
What do you have in mind?
Cos'hai in mente?/Qual è la tua idea?
to blow somebody's mind (stupire qualcuno, lasciare a bocca aperta):
It blew those tourists' mind! They've never seen anything like that!
Quei turisti sono rimasti a bocca aperta! Non hanno mai visto niente del genere!
Caption 56, Naish Kiteboarding TV Welcome to Chucktown - Part 1
Play Caption
to speak your mind (parlare francamente):
She speaks her mind.
Lei parla la sua mente [dice quello che pensa].
Caption 11, Talking About People PersonalitiesPlay Caption
L'ultima cosa che comes to mind (ci viene in mente) è di consigliarvi di cercare mind tra i video di Yabla Inglese. Troverete tanti altri esempi con questa parolina che arricchirà sicuramente il vostro vocabolario.
Happy New Year! A New Year's resolution is a tradition that, according to Wikipedia, is common in the Western World. People make promises to themselves to "continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life at the start of a new year."
It's the first day of 2019. -We should do New Year's resolutions.
Caption 2, New Year's Resolutions: Lele Pons & Hannah Stocking
Play Caption
Often friends and family will discuss their resolutions for the upcoming year.
My New Year's resolution is to just keep going at the gym.Caption 7, Ashley Tisdale: Happy New Year!
Play Caption
This resolution will probably be easier to keep, since she has been going to the gym already and it´s just a matter of continuing to go.
Every day, I am gonna do one thing I have never done before. That, my friends, is my New Year's resolution.
Captions 9-11, New Year's Resolutions: Friends
Play Caption
This, on the other hand, might prove difficult. It may be hard to even think up practical things that you've never done before. Even more likely, you'll just forget your resolution because of regular routines!
All right, my New Year's resolution is to learn how to play guitar.
Caption 29, New Year's Resolutions: Friends
Play Caption
This too may prove to be difficult, since learning to play a musical instrument requires a lot of time and patience.
I don't really make any New Year's resolutions anymore because I learned early on that when I did, I never really followed through with the resolution.
Captions 2-4, Ashley Tisdale: Happy New Year!
Play Caption
According to statistics, most people fail in their resolutions. Apparently, you are more likely to achieve your goal if you take smaller steps towards achieving it, rather than trying to make a large change in one go.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the "New Year's Resolutions" episode of Friends, it's pretty funny! And if you have made a New Year's resolution (or plan to), be sure you try to accomplish it in small steps rather than all at once— you'll be more likely to attain your goal. Best wishes in the new year from all of us at Yabla!
A few lessons ago, we discussed the names of classical music instruments in English. Let's take a look today at the English names of some of the most common musical instruments used in pop music.
We already discussed the piano in the classical instruments lesson, but there are also a number of other kinds of keyboard instruments that are used in pop music. As a general term, they are simply called keyboards. A person who plays keyboards is a keyboardist.
I spoke with Andrew, who plays keyboards in INXS.
Caption 26, INXS: Pat Monahan about recording Beautiful Girl
Play Caption
The Hammond organ is a popular vintage organ that is still much-loved in pop and jazz music. Other popular electronic organs from the 1960s, which were produced cheaply by companies such as Farfisa in Italy and Vox in the UK, are often referred to as electronic organs.
Scott Ellaway, who is now a successful conductor, loves to come here and play the organ.
Captions 19-20, Euromaxx city: A Visit to Oxford, England
Play Caption
Another popular keyboard instrument that began to be widely used in the 1970s is the synthesizer. It's often referred to casually as a synth.
Because the synth especially really grounds it into a modern sound.
Captions 54-55, Making Tracks: Stu Cullen and Samuel Blair's Musical Journey
Play Caption
Probably the most important instrument in rock music, especially in heavy metal and punk rock music, is the electric guitar. Generally, a person who plays guitar is called a guitar player or a guitarist. In some bands, there is a rhythm guitarist, who mainly just plays chords, and a lead guitarist, who usually plays the guitar solos.
In the film, we see Queen's lead guitarist, Brian May.
Caption 29, Bohemian Rhapsody: Six Facts about the True Story
Play Caption
On the bottom end of the harmonic spectrum, we find the bass guitar or electric bass, and the acoustic upright bass, also called a contrabass. A person who plays bass is called a bass player or a bassist.
My main instrument is bass guitar.
Caption 11, Bee and Flower; Interview
Play Caption
Let's look now at the beat, an important element in most forms of pop music, with the drums at the forefront. A person who plays the drums is a drummer or a percussionist.
My dad's an incredible percussionist.
Caption 10, Bruno Mars: Electronic Press Kit
Play Caption
I bet Garth Brooks would take you as a drummer next time he tours.
Caption 68, Ask Jimmy Carter; Interview with Phil Collins
Play Caption
Of course, brass instruments have always played a role in pop music, but the most common horn in pop music is probably the saxophone. A person who plays the saxophone is a saxophone player or saxophonist. The trumpet is also a popular horn instrument, and it's played by a trumpet player.
Trumpets were all screaming, saxophones were blaring.
Captions 17-18, The Rolling Stones: Living In A Ghost Town
Play Caption
Let's not neglect a major aspect of pop music that makes it possible to play so loudly: the amplifier. There are amplifiers made especially for specific instruments, such as a guitar amplifier, a bass amplifier, and a keyboard amplifier. Vocals, horns, and other acoustic instruments are usually amplified through a microphone, or just "mic" (pronounce like the name "Mike") for short. All of these instruments are usually amplified on larger stages through a PA system. This term is an abbreviation of "public address system," as they were originally developed for speaking to large crowds.
Try turning a quarter of an inch closer to the microphone, please.
Caption 5, Ask Jimmy Carter: Interview with Angelina Jolie
Play Caption
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the videos above relating to musical instruments. You can also search for the names of the instruments and find other videos. Find a tandem partner in your class and make up some sentences in English using these musical instrument words, then compare what you both came up with.
In last month's October edition of the Yabla English Lesson, we discussed the Performing Arts, one of which is music. Let's take a look today at the English names of some of the most common musical instruments used in classical music.
The piano is one of the main instruments in western musical traditions, and many musicians who specialize in other instruments and singing are often required to learn some basic piano skills. This is because of the piano's large range, from deep bass to high treble, which allows it to cover all of the ranges used by orchestral instruments. The piano is also important for musical composition, and many works for orchestra have been composed using the piano. A person who plays the piano is called a pianist or a piano player.
Well, when I write songs, I sometimes will write it on a piano.
Caption 27, Bee and Flower: Interview
Play Caption
Warren Beatty's a good pianist.
Caption 71, Chevy Chase: talks about his acting life
Play Caption
The violin also has another common name in English: the fiddle. This term is usually more casual and used especially in country, folk, and bluegrass music. A person who plays the violin is called a violinist or a fiddler.
Good. Did you mind if I play the violin? -No, go right ahead.
Caption 10, Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Cunningham Heritage
Play Caption
So, I picked up an instrument that was called the fiddle.
Caption 17, Sigrid: An American in Italy
Play Caption
Of the remaining bowed string instruments, the viola is played by a viola player. The cello, actually short for "violoncello," is played by a cellist. The double bass—also called the upright bass or acoustic bass—is the deepest of the string instruments. It's played by a bassist, or double bass player, upright bass player, etc.
I'm Jasmine Beams. I'm from Milwaukee and I play viola.
Caption 9, Making Tracks: Dewayne Everettsmith & Jasmine Beams musical journey
Play Caption
I grew up playing the cello.
Caption 10, Justin James: Booking Submission Video
Play Caption
And did you take bass lessons when you were young?
Caption 12, Bee and Flower: Interview
Play Caption
The highest of the woodwind reed instruments are the clarinet and the oboe. The clarinet is played by a clarinetist and the oboe by an oboist, although "clarinet player" and "oboe player" are fine too. The deepest is the bassoon, played by a bassoonist, or bassoon player.
I play the clarinet. -I play the bassoon.
Caption 8, Making Tracks: A musical journey inspired by Australia
Play Caption
I played the oboe in middle school band.
Caption 85, Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt: Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions
Play Caption
There are also several non-reed woodwind instruments such as the flute and the recorder. A flute player is called a flutist (or flautist), and a recorder player is called just that.
When I was a girl, I studied flute like many girls,
Caption 36, Sigrid: An American in Italy
Play Caption
And so I started playing recorder.
Caption 44, Sigrid: An American in Italy
Play Caption
Of the brass instruments, the most commonly used are the trumpet and the French horn. The players of these instruments are a trumpeter (or trumpet player) and a French horn player. In the lower registers there's also the tuba, played by a tuba player.
Oh, yes, yes, practice trumpet every day.
Caption 23, They Might Be Giants: The Seven Days Of The Week
Play Caption
Lastly, the main percussion instruments used are the marimba, the snare drum, and the timpani. The person in the orchestra playing these instruments is called a percussionist.
We know where the certain snare-hits are.
Caption 27, OK Go - Needing/Getting: Behind The Scenes
Play Caption
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the videos above relating to musical instruments. You can also search for the names of the instruments and find other videos. Find a tandem partner in your class and make up some sentences in English using these musical instrument words, then compare what you both came up with. In next month's lesson, we'll talk about the different kinds of musical instruments used in pop music!
Le parole right e wrong sono due parole che possono farvi girare la testa! Infatti, spulciando il dizionario, noterete che sono sostantivi, aggettivi, avverbi e verbi.
In questa lezione, vedremo come dire in inglese "avere ragione", "avere torto" e altre espressioni simili.
Mentre in italiano usiamo il verbo "avere", questa espressione in inglese prevede l'uso del verbo to be (essere): to be right (avere ragione), to be wrong (avere torto, sbagliarsi). Il verbo to be è uno dei primi verbi che impariamo quando studiamo l'inglese, ma se volete ripassare la sua coniugazione, cliccate qui.
Ricordatevi dunque di non tradurre mai alla lettera "avere ragione" e "avere torto" perché "to have right" e "to have wrong" sono degli errori.
Yeah, you're right, I don't need this.
Sì, hai ragione, non ho bisogno di questo.
Caption 51, The Office Powerpoint, Powerpoint, Powerpoint
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My Italian friend is right. We can say "lives" when we're talking about a verb.
La mia amica italiana ha ragione. Possiamo dire "vive" quando parliamo di un verbo.
Captions 40-41, Sigrid Enough is Enough - Part 3
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Se qualcuno più che "avere ragione" dice la cosa giusta, dà la risposta esatta, allora dovremmo usare un'espressione con right sotto forma di aggettivo. L'esempio che segue è tratto da un video in cui alcune persone partecipano ad un gioco chiamato What's That Word? (Qual è quella parola?) nel quale i concorrenti devono indovinare il contrario di una determinata parola pronunciata dal presentatore. Ad esempio, qual è il contrario di handsome (bello)?
Ugly. -That's right, Lisa.
Brutto. -Questo è giusto, Lisa.
Caption 28, Basic Vocabulary Describing People, Places and Things - Part 3
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"È giusto", "è coretto", "esatto" sono tutte possibili traduzioni dell'espressione that's right.
Attenzione alla parola reason che potrebbe ricordavi la nostra parola "ragione". Effettivamente uno dei significati di reason è proprio "ragione", ma solo ed esclusivamente come sostanvito: la ragione, il motivo, la spiegazione e così via...
The main reason why people come to Camden is for the market, because it's got everything.
Il motivo principale per cui la gente viene a Camden è per il mercato, perché ha tutto.
Captions 22-23, My Guide to London Camden Town
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Esiste anche il verbo to reason, ma neanche in questo caso possiamo usarlo per dire "avere ragione", bensì per dire "ragionare","argomentare", "discutere":
Don't try to reason with you father, Carol.
Non cercare di ragionare con tuo padre, Carol.
Caption 6, Karate Kids, USA The Little Dragons - Part 2
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Come abbiamo già detto, to be wrong significa "avere torto" e "sbagliarsi". La struttura è sempre la stessa:
You're not wrong!
Non hai torto!
Caption 51, Green TV Evolution of the Whale
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Oh, I was wrong.
Oh, mi ero sbagliato.
Caption 33, Chicago Bulls Kid Picasso - Part 2
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Ma "sbagliarsi" è anche sinonimo di "fare un errore"; in questo caso in inglese useremo la parola mistake (errore) preceduta dal verbo to make (fare):
I made a mistake five years ago, but I've paid for it.
Ho fatto un errore cinque anni fa, ma ho pagato per questo.
Caption 54, Sherlock Holmes The Case of the Cunningham Heritage - Part 4
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Esiste un altro modo per dire to be wrong e si usa principalmente quando interpretiamo qualcosa nel modo sbagliato o quando fraintendiamo qualcuno:
Don't get me wrong. I like Paris, but I like the country better.
Non fraintendetemi. Mi piace Parigi, ma la campagna mi piace di più.
Caption 16, Parts of Speech Question Words - Part 4
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Speriamo che questi esempi vi tornino utili nel vostro percorso di apprendimento della lingua inglese e che possona servirvi come spunto per approfondire le parole right e wrong.
Last month we started learning about different kinds of Visual Art: architecture, ceramics, conceptual art, drawing, painting, and sculpture. Let's continue today with the Literary Arts and the Performing Arts.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines literature as "writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest." This does not usually include news journalism or technical writing, but usually includes poetry, drama, and fiction and non-fiction prose. A person who creates literature is usually called an author, a dramatist or playwright, a poet, or simply a writer.
By the year 2050, the whole literature of the past will have gone.
Captions 1-2, George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: BBC TV Movie
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The author Dave Eggers wanted to have a location that was accessible from the streets.
Captions 14-15, Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co.: Learn about this fun shop in Brooklyn, NY!
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The next category of types of art is the Performing Arts. Merriam-Webster defines this as "types of art (such as music, dance, or drama) that are performed for an audience."
Dance as an art form, simply defined as "the art of dancing," is usually referring to contemporary dance and ballet, but may include figure skating, synchronized swimming, and some forms of gymnastics. A person who designs a dance performance is called a choreographer.
The inspiring story of a boy's struggle against the odds to become a ballet star.
Captions 20-21, Visit London: Top 10 London Musicals
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I came to America to become a professional dancer.
Caption 3, Another 7.4 Earthquake: Hits Japan
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Music is described by Merriam-Webster as "the art or skill of creating or performing music," although Wikipedia describes it more interestingly as "an art form whose medium is sound and silence, occurring in time." A person who performs music is a musician (or named after the instrument they play, such as a pianist, violinist, or guitarist). A person who writes music is called a composer or songwriter.
So you write music as well, as in literally "write music?"
Captions 36-37, Bee and Flower: Interview
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This is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He was an Austrian musician and composer.
Captions 9-10, English Grammar in Use: Past Simple
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The last form of the performing arts is theater, defined by Merriam-Webster as "dramatic representation as an art or profession." Clearly, this extends beyond works performed in theaters to all forms of acting, which may also include any of the other performing arts of dance and music. Although theater and filmmaking encompass many kinds of work, the main performing artist is called an actor or actress, though it is usually best to refer to all genders of such performing artists simply as actors.
You're a repertory theater actor, you're expected to do everything.
Caption 14, Ask Jimmy Carter: Interview with Richard Gere
Play Caption
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the videos above relating to art forms and professions. Find a tandem partner in your class and make up some sentences in English using these art words, then compare what you both came up with.
The arts are basically divided into three different categories: the Visual Arts, the Literary Arts, and the Performing Arts. Of course, there are art forms that combine the different categories—as well as art that is very difficult to categorize at all—but let's stick to the basics!
Today we'll focus on just the Visual Arts. The first type of art in this category is architecture, which the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as "the art or practice of designing and building structures, and especially habitable ones." The professional title of a person who creates architecture is an architect.
California's central coast is a gorgeous stretch dotted with Spanish architecture.
Captions 2-3, Travel + Leisure: Weekend Getaway, Santa Barbara
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The next type of art in the visual arts is ceramics, defined by Merriam-Webster as "the art or process of making ceramic articles." Works of art made of ceramic are also called pottery. You call a person who makes ceramics a ceramicist or a studio potter.
The most popular pieces, I would say, are the ceramic pieces.
Caption 17, New York City: Little Shop of Crafts
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The next type of art in the visual arts category is drawing, which the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as "the art or technique of representing an object or outlining a figure, plan, or sketch by means of lines".
So it's kind of a messy drawing, but it really helps to start to think of ideas.
Caption 27, Creative Space: What does an Interior Designer Do?
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A person who draws might be called a "drawer," but this is usually a person (such as a draftsman) who makes plans and sketches of machinery or structures, or a person who "draws up" or writes legal documents. Most visual artists use drawing as part of their skill set, if not as a finished product, then as a way to sketch out ideas.
Now we come to painting, a field practiced by painters, which is probably the traditional art form that most people think of when they think about art. It's simply defined in the dictionary as "the art or occupation of painting."
When I do an oil painting, it takes me a week or a month.
Captions 15-16, Creative Space: An Artist's Studio
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Next comes photography, practiced by photographers, which has many aspects that are not generally considered "high art," such as photojournalism for the news and commercial photography for advertising. Merriam-Webster defines it as "the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (such as film or an optical sensor)."
This rule applies to film-making, photography...
Caption 2, Filmmaking & Photography: The Rule of Thirds | What Is It?
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The next type of visual art is sculpture, a field practiced by sculptors, and defined by Merriam-Webster as "the action or art of processing (as by carving, modeling, or welding) plastic or hard materials into works of art."
She prays to be sculpted by the sculptor.
Caption 4, Alessia Cara: Scars To Your Beautiful
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The last form of visual arts is conceptual art, which Merriam Webster defines as "an art form in which the artist's intent is to convey a concept rather than to create an art object." A person who practices this art form is a conceptual artist. In the United Kingdom, conceptual art has come to mean any contemporary art that does not use the traditional skills of painting or sculpture. Since conceptual art may take the form of an installation, or a form that is not easily sold (in the way an object like a painting or sculpture can be sold), most conceptual artists live from art grants and other forms of financial support.
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the videos above relating to art forms and professions. Find a tandem partner in your class and make up some sentences in English using these art words, then compare what you both came up with.
Quando usiamo il verbo "tornare" di solito intendiamo il fatto di essere diretti al luogo da cui si era partiti o da cui si era venuti, ad esempio se torniamo a casa dal lavoro. Oppure, usiamo il verbo "tornare" (e il suo sinonimo "ritornare") per indicare l'azione di andare nuovamente in un luogo in cui si è già stati, per farvi ritorno.
In inglese, questa differenza viene espressa attraverso l'utilizzo di almeno tre forme verbali diverse.
Il verbo to return ricorda per assonanza il nostro verbo "tornare" e in effetti è la prima voce ad apparire come traduzione in diversi dizionari. Inoltre è il verbo che possiamo usare in entrambi i casi sopracitati:
I hope he returns home soon.
Spero che torni (ritorni) presto a casa.
We often return to the city where we met for the first time.
Torniamo spesso nella città in cui ci siamo incontrati per la prima volta.
Return è anche un sostantivo e oltre al significato di "ritorno" ha anche quello di "reso" di un oggetto che abbiamo acquistato. Inoltre, è anche un aggettivo, come in questo caso:
Hello. I would like to get a refund for the return flight.
Salve. Vorrei ottenere un rimborso per il volo di ritorno.
Caption 18, Luana and Austin The Flight Cancellation
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Adesso vediamo la differenza tra due phrasal verbs che apparentemente possono sembrare due sinonimi, ma che in realtà si distinguono per una caratteristica ben precisa.
La scelta di uno piuttosto che l'altro dipende dal luogo in cui si trova chi parla.
Nel caso di to go back, chi parla di sicuro non si trova nel posto in cui vuole o deve tornare. In questo esempio siamo in un appartamento a Berlino e una delle ragazze dice che Thomas deve tornare a Londra:
I've been spending a lot of time with Thomas, but this week he has to go back to London for a few days, so I won't be seeing him.
Sto passando molto tempo con Thomas, ma questa settimana lui deve tornare a Londra per qualche giorno, quindi non lo vedrò.
Captions 10-11, The Apartment The Date - Part 3
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Nell'esempio che segue, Rita e Kathy stanno conversando durante un viaggio in treno verso Princeton e dal momento che non si conoscono usano la forma di cortesia. Una delle due viene dal Minnesota:
So, when do you go back to Minnesota?
Allora, quando torna in Minnesota?
Caption 52, Parts of Speech Question Words - Part 2
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Se invece chi parla si trova esattamente nel posto in cui vuole o deve tornare, allora userà to come back.
Se ho finito di lavorare e sono già a casa diro:
I came back from the office at 6:30pm.
Sono ritornato dall'ufficio alle 18:30.
Anche nell'esempio che segue, chi parla si trova ancora nel posto in cui vorrebbe tornare:
All in all, this is definitely one of the coolest places I've ever been to and I can't wait to come back here next year.
Nel complesso, questo è sicuramente uno dei posti più belli in cui sia mai stata e non vedo l'ora di ritornare qui l'anno prossimo.
Captions 28-29, Cabrinha Kiteboarding on the Cook Islands
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Voi dove vorreste tornare? Esercitatevi a formulare delle frasi con questi tre verbi, e ricordatevi sempre di fare attenzione al luogo verso il quale vi state dirigendo.
The weather where you live may be different, but with cooler temperatures and rains, summer is already showing signs of being over. Summer officially ends on August 31st, so let's talk today about the season that comes after summer.
The most common American English name for the season after summer is fall. The word possibly came from Old English or Old Norse into British English. By the 20th century, it had fallen into disuse in Britain.
The fall is my favorite season in New York.
Caption 10, Caralie and Annie: Get to Know Each Other
Play Caption
Spring is long gone, and summer's over, and we're ready for fall.
Captions 36-37, Food Talk with Sigrid: Simple Summer Vegetables
Play Caption
Third, we have fall, or you could say autumn, when the leaves turn golden.
Captions 21-22, Lydia Explains: Weekdays, Seasons and Months
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The other English word for this season, as you can see in the last caption above, is autumn. This is the standard British English word for the season. It's also common in American English, though a bit more formal than "fall."
The Changing of the Guard happens throughout autumn and winter,
Caption 27, In London with Lauren: Buckingham Palace
Play Caption
It's the end of October, so we are in the middle of autumn.
Captions 4-5, Sigrid: Pumpkin Season
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Meanwhile, autumn has painted its colors on the Alps.
Caption 21, The Last Paradises: Realm of the Golden Eagle
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The last caption does not mean that the season is literally taking up a brush to paint. It's metaphorically describing how in autumn, the green leaves of the trees change color to orange and gold!
Some years we get lucky and have a few weeks in fall (or autumn) when it's warm and sunny. This is commonly called Indian summer in English. Nobody knows where this phrase really came from, but other languages also have a name for this phenomenon. In many European languages, it is called "old woman's summer," and in some South American countries, it is called "little summer."
You're like an Indian summer in the middle of winter
Caption 27, Katy Perry - Thinking Of You: Behind The Scenes
Play Caption
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch the Lydia Explains video to learn more about seasons. You can also find more videos by searching for "autumn" and "fall."
There are a lot of sports that are best enjoyed under a summer sun. Many names of sports are gerunds, which means the noun came from the verb, usually ending in "-ing." So you have the sport "surfing," and to make a verb for it to describe participating in the sport, you add the word "go": you "go surfing."
With some sports, the noun does not end in "ing," such as the sport golf. In this case, you can "play golf" or "go golfing." With some sports, such as tennis, you can "play tennis." But it's incorrect to say you "go tennising."
Let's take a look at summer sports today and figure out afterwards which of those have noun gerunds, and whether the noun gerunds carry over into the related verb or not.
When you throw a frisbee, part of your spirit flies with it.
Caption 6, Movie Trailers - The Invisible String
Play Caption
I found myself traveling around the world windsurfing.
Caption 11, Justin James - Booking Submission Video
Play Caption
I'm not a scuba diving instructor yet.
Caption 1, Job Interviews - Mr. Alan Hint Monologue
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Caveman Skatetech delivers a very armchair appreciation to the sport of skateboarding.
Captions 2-3, Caveman Skatetech - Desert Vol 1
Play Caption
It is also a popular recreational area for boating and other water sports.
Caption 36, The Last Paradises - America's National Parks
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If I'm in a kayak or a canoe, I have to be careful because if I move too much, then I can tip over.
Captions 53-55, Sigrid explains - The Tipping Point
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This effect is very important in sports like tennis, soccer, and golf.
Caption 30, Science - Surprising Applications of the Magnus Effect
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Sport name Non-gerund verb Gerund verb
Boating (none) Go boating, canoeing, kayaking
Diving (none) Go diving, scuba diving
Fishing (none) Go fishing
Frisbee Play frisbee (none)
Golf Play golf Go golfing
Skateboarding (none) Go skateboarding
Snorkeling (none) Go snorkeling
Surfing (none) Go surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing
Soccer Play soccer (none)
Tennis Play tennis (none)
Note too that with some sports, you can use a non-gerund verb to describe playing the sport: "I golf badly, I dive well, I fish very well, I skateboard like a pro, I can snorkel, and I can surf." But other sports require you to have a helping verb: "I play frisbee, soccer, and tennis."
Further Learning
Go to Yabla English and watch some of the videos above for more references to summer sports.
Esistono tanti modi per divertirsi e ognuno di noi ha la propria idea di divertimento che dipende principalmente dai nostri interessi e dalle nostre esperienze. Possiamo divertirci trascorrendo una giornata al mare, possiamo divertirci restando a casa per una maratona di serie TV o possiamo divertirci ad imparare una nuova lingua guardando tantissimi video. Quanti modi ci sono in inglese per parlare di divertimento o per dire che ci si sta divertendo tanto? Scopriamolo insieme!
In inglese, la parola che usiamo per parlare di “divertimento” è fun. Questa parola è sia un sostantivo sia un aggettivo e viene utilizzata per descrivere qualcosa di piacevole e (per l’appunto) divertente da fare, qualcosa che ci rende felici.
it's always a really fun day when we get to work together.
è sempre un giorno davvero divertente quando ci mettiamo a lavorare insieme.
Caption 33, Katie Holmes - About Family, Beauty and Olay
Play Caption
L'esempio successivo è un'espressione molto ricorrente nella lingua inglese che possiamo usare quando stiamo per fare qualcosa che siamo sicuri ci piacerà parecchio:
Wow! This is gonna be so much fun.
Wow! Questo sarà molto divertente.
Caption 16, Blippi - Cool Science Experiment for Kids - Part 1
Play Caption
A differenza di fun, funny è solo un aggettivo e si usa per descrivere quelle situazioni, persone o cose che fanno ridere o sono buffi.
She is literally sarcastic, she's funny, she's all over the place.
Lei è veramente sarcastica, è divertente, è dappertutto [è un vulcano].
Caption 59, On Deck with Lucy - Fashion Blogger Ava ImprotaPlay Caption
You know, it's funny that you ask that.
Sai, è buffo che tu me lo chieda.
Caption 30, Two and a Half Men - Dead from the Waist Down
Play Caption0
Chi non ha mai ascoltato o ballato l'iconica canzone degli anni '80 Girls Just Want to Have Fun di Cyndi Lauper? Se fun vuol dire "divertimento/divertente", to have fun vuol dire "divertirsi".
Ci sono altre parole che insieme al verbo to have assumono lo stesso significato di to have fun, come ad esempio to have a ball. Ball vuol dire sia "palla" che "ballo", ma non viene mai tradotto letteralmente nell'espressione to have a ball:
When the joint starts jumpin' I'll have a ball
Quando il locale comincerà a saltare [riempirsi] mi divertirò un mondo
Caption 40, Penny - Short Film - Part 2
Play Caption
A blast, in senso figurato, vuol dire "uno spasso, uno sballo", come ad esempio quando diciamo the party was a blast! (la festa è stata uno sballo!). Quindi possiamo usare l'espressione to have a blast con il significato di "divertirsi":
So we have a blast working together.
Quindi ci divertiamo tantissimo a lavorare insieme.
Caption 66, On Deck with Lucy - Fashion Blogger Ava Improta
Play Caption
Un'espressione molto semplice e diffusa è to have a good/great time, letteralmente "avere un buon/fantastico momento", ma più semplicemente, è un altro modo per dire "divertirsi un mondo, divertirsi tantissimo":
I'm here, here to go surfing and party and have a good time.
Sono qui, qui per andare a fare surf e fare festa e divertirmi.
Caption 21, Todos Santos Beach - On the Beach with the Boys
Play Caption
Last but not least (ultimo, ma non meno importante), anche il verbo to enjoy, oltre a "piacere" e "godere", può essere usato per dire che ci si diverte nel fare qualcosa, o più semplicemente per augurare buon divertimento a qualcuno: Enjoy your holidays! (buone vacanze!).
Spring and summer are the times of year that most flowers bloom in the Western Hemisphere. Let's take a look today at some of the more common types of flowers you'll come across in English.
This incredible variety of shades of purple lupines are springing up everywhere.Captions 25-26, New Zealand: 100% Pure New Zealand, Home of Middle-earth
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The Lupine (often spelled "Lupin" in British English), with its beautiful purple flowers, has become a problem in New Zealand, because it is not a native plant and has spread rapidly throughout the country.
If you come in June, you can see the roses.
Caption 11, Jessica: Brooklyn Sites
Play Caption
The rose has been linked since ancient times to love, so it's the standard flower for people in love to give each other as a present.
This brief, rich time is crowned by the blooming of the alpine rose.
Caption 10, The Last Paradises: The Alps, Realm of the Golden Eagle
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The alpine rose is a kind of rose that is found in the mountains of central and southern Europe.
Anticipating the second her ears would open like lotuses...
Caption 15, White House Poetry Jam: Joshua Bennett
Play Caption
The lotus flower is usually pink in Asia, and yellow in North America. It is considered a sacred plant in some eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism.
And who can believe that a kind of rhododendron is growing in the Alps as well?
Caption 12, The Last Paradises: The Alps, Realm of the Golden Eagle
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There are over a thousand kinds of rhododendrons. It's the national flower of Nepal.
There are Easter lilies and other flowers everywhere.
Caption 67, Holidays and Seasons with Sigrid: Easter
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The Easter lily is found most often in Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. In Ireland, a badge shaped like an Easter lily is worn during the Easter holidays in remembrance of people who died fighting for Irish independence.
Beside the red carpets shines the deep blue gentian.
Caption 13, The Last Paradises: The Alps, Realm of the Golden Eagle
Play Caption
There are many different kinds of gentian, which usually have blue flowers. Some kinds are used medicinally or as a food or drink flavoring.
Dream if you can a courtyard, an ocean of violets in bloom.
Captions 4-5, Prince. When Doves Cry
Play Caption
Violets are often—but not always—a shade of purple that is also called violet, but there are also blue varieties. People sometimes invent rhymes that start with the line "Roses are red, violets are blue..."
As did the queen of the Alps, the edelweiss.
Caption 18, The Last Paradises: The Alps, Realm of the Golden Eagle
Play Caption
The edelweiss is usually found in the mountains of Europe.
So much for them daisy chains.
Caption 37, Diane Birch: Valentino
Play Caption
"Daisy" is a common name for several different kinds of flowers, which if strung together in a garland, are called "daisy chains." But the term "daisy chain" is also used as a technical term for connecting things, such as computers, ropes for climbing, and even a kind of fishing lure!
Further Learning
Find out more about different kinds of flowers on English Wikipedia or Simple English Wikipedia. You can start by looking up some flowers from this list: daffodil, dahlia, hibiscus, jasmine, marigold, morning glory, pansy, petunia, tulip, sunflower, and lavender.
You can also go to Yabla English and find more videos that use the word "flower" or "flowers" to see the different ways it is used by native English speakers.